عنوان مقاله:

ماهیت دوگانه رابطه بین مسئولیت اجتماعی شرکت و مدیریت منابع انسانی: نعمت یا نفرین؟

Dual nature of the relationship between corporate social responsibility and human resource management: A blessing or a curse?

سال انتشار: 2022

رشته: مدیریت

گرایش: مدیریت منابع انسانی - مدیریت کسب و کار

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مقالات ISI مدیریت


مقالات ISI مدیریت کسب و کار




Our study addresses the following question: How is HRM used in an instrumental way in activating CSR understandings and responses as nfluenced by logics emanating from field-level forces? We present our findings below. First, we explain the macro-field level forces governing the macro-level CSR-HRM relationship, followed by the meso-organizational-level drivers that influence CSR engagements and responses of organizations that participated in our study. Our main contribution is on unpacking the dual nature of CSR and HRM relationship.

4.1 | Macro-field level influences: Key drivers and processes The government plays a crucial role in legitimizing the CSR logics within organizations through laws, policies, regulations, and initiatives that have evolved in the last decades. The growing desire of the government to position the UAE as a major market, financial, real estate and first-class tourism destination, in combination with the given impetus of the Expo2021, motivates both the public and private sector companies to take note of the “global corporate agenda” as they recognize the need to raise local practices to meet those of internationally expected standards (examples of related issues can include environmental impacts and waste management). This demonstrates the existence of the strong regulatory capacity of the state and its interactions with the private sector, on the basis of a pragmatic CSR strategy, driven by market logic, which mainly focuses on the benefits of economic and environmental sustainability:

“The Abu Dhabi Economic Department have been reporting to GRI for two or three years. And that is very commendable, because that is coming from the top leadership requirement, as the government of Abu Dhabi has produced its sustainability strategy. So, the government on business… the government have undertaken to issue sustainability reports on a voluntary basis, which is good. And that gives a very positive light.” (Interview 20, FLO).

(دقت کنید که این بخش از متن، با استفاده از گوگل ترنسلیت ترجمه شده و توسط مترجمین سایت ای ترجمه، ترجمه نشده است و صرفا جهت آشنایی شما با متن میباشد.)


Our study addresses the following question: How is HRM used in an instrumental way in activating CSR understandings and responses as nfluenced by logics emanating from field-level forces? We present our findings below. First, we explain the macro-field level forces governing the macro-level CSR-HRM relationship, followed by the meso-organizational-level drivers that influence CSR engagements and responses of organizations that participated in our study. Our main contribution is on unpacking the dual nature of CSR and HRM relationship.

4.1 | Macro-field level influences: Key drivers and processes The government plays a crucial role in legitimizing the CSR logics within organizations through laws, policies, regulations, and initiatives that have evolved in the last decades. The growing desire of the government to position the UAE as a major market, financial, real estate and first-class tourism destination, in combination with the given impetus of the Expo2021, motivates both the public and private sector companies to take note of the “global corporate agenda” as they recognize the need to raise local practices to meet those of internationally expected standards (examples of related issues can include environmental impacts and waste management). This demonstrates the existence of the strong regulatory capacity of the state and its interactions with the private sector, on the basis of a pragmatic CSR strategy, driven by market logic, which mainly focuses on the benefits of economic and environmental sustainability: