عنوان مقاله: 

عوامل موثر بر روی ریسک خستگی خلبانان خطوط هوایی

Factors contributing to the risk of airline pilot fatigue

سال انتشار: 2018

رشته: علوم و فنون هوایی و هوافضا

گرایش: هوانوردی

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مقالات ISI علوم و فنون هوایی و هوافضا


4. Methodology

The 82-item (primarily multiple-choice) survey was conducted online in May 2015 for two weeks using SurveyMonkey (www. surveymonkey.net). The survey items are presented in the Appendix. A total of 929 responses were received, represented approximately 19% of the estimated nationwide airline pilot population in Korea. We sent each pilot a message for the online survey and called her or him to participate in this survey. Airline Pilots Association of Korea (ALPA-K) helped us in encouraging pilots participate in this survey. Almost all pilots are using smartphones. Pilots used their smartphones to participate in online survey during recess or off-duty. The high response rate for this survey shows that airline pilots have many hardships associated with fatigue. Most of the respondents (83%) were pilots at major airlines, and the others worked for low cost carriers (17%). 63% of the respondents were first officers, while the remaining 37% were captains. 39% of the respondents flew short-haul flights, and 61% flew long-haul flights. 37% had less than 4000 h of flight time, while 63% had accumulated more than 4000 h 43% were under 39 years of age, while 57% were older than 39. Their participation was voluntary.

5. Results

5.1. Factor analysis The data was checked to determine whether it satisfied the factor analysis assumptions. Three methods were used for the analysis: the correlation coefficient among question items, Bartlett's test of sphericity, and the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) measure of sampling adequacy. In addition, reliability was checked since it is the most common index of the validity of measures. In general, a reliability value of less than 0.60 is considered poor, the 0.70 range is considered acceptable, and 0.80 or over is considered good (Sekaran, 2003). A factor analysis was used to check whether the scale items measured the construct in question or other constructs. Generally, a value of 0.70 or above is deemed acceptable (Fornell and Larcker, 1981). As Cronbach's alpha assesses how well the items in a set are positively correlated with one another, it was used to test the internal consistency (see Table 3). As shown in Tables 4 and 5, all of the alpha values were greater than the recommended level and showed good reliability with Cronbach's alpha (> 0.80) in each construct. In this study, question items with a loading under 0.6 were cut off, and construct validity was examined using the Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin test and Bartlett's test of sphericity, which were subsequently used to assess the appropriateness of the correlation matrices for the factor analysis (Hair et al., 1998). The results of Bartlett's test of sphericity in this study showed Sig (P) = 0.000 (χ2 = 18,794.369, degree of freedom = 1431). Thus, the data satisfied the factor analysis assumption, and it showed evidence of construct validity.


خستگی یکی از مهم ترین موضوعات در زمینه هوانوردی است زیرا می تواند بر روی امنیت بسیاری از افراد تاثیر داشته باشد. هدف این مطالعه، شناسایی کردن عواملی است که بر روی خستگی خلبانان تاثیر دارد. این مطالعه یک مدل خستگی برای خلبانان هواپیما ها ارائه می کند. خستگی بر اساس کاهش توانایی فیزیکی، روانی و کم بود استراحت تعریف می شود. بر اساس 929 پاسخ که از خلبان های مختلف به دست آمده است، این مطالعه تایید می کند که خستگی خلبان ها تحت تاثیر هفت متغیر مختلف می باشد- جهت پرواز، زمان بندی برای خدمه، همکاری ، محیط هواپیما، تخصیص های شغلی، تفاوت های قومیتی و محیط هتل. نتایج نشان می دهد که این عوامل بر روی خستگی فیزیکی، روانی و کمبود استراحت تاثیر دارند .این یافته ها می تواند بر روی کاهش خستگی خلبان کمک کند که موضوع مهمی در زمینه خستگی فیزیکی، روانی و کمبود استراحت در هوانوردی می باشد.