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عنوان فارسی مقاله:

عملکرد تحقیقاتی و کیفیت آموزش در سیستم آموزش عالی اسپانیا: شواهد از یک دانشگاه متوسط

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:

Research performance and teaching quality in the Spanish higher education system: Evidence from a medium-sized university

سال انتشار : 2017

برای دانلود رایگان مقاله  کیفیت سیستم آموزش اینجا کلیک نمایید.

بخشی از مقاله انگلیسی:

2. The teaching-research nexus: theory and empirical evidence 

Newman (1992) coined the term “teaching-research nexus” to refer to the links between research and teaching. Different manifestations of the relationship between teaching and research may appear, within and between disciplines, depending on whether teaching/learning is conceived either as the transmission of knowledge or as the process of organizing and generating that knowledge (see, for example, Brew, 2003). In either case, several arguments have been raised in the literature to support the positive effects of research on learning. When teaching is seen as the transmission of knowledge, it is generally highlighted that research helps teachers in mastering current developments in their discipline and they may, consequently, teach more up-to-date courses and promote a deeper understanding of the relevant topics. However, one could also think that research tends to be too specialized to enter into undergraduate courses and this could lead researchers either to offer courses at a too high of a level or to distort the curriculum toward their own research in detriment of a broader study program (Karagiannis, 2009). On the other hand, it has since long been argued that the process of scientific inquiry is the central organizing concept of learning, so researchers are better placed to motivate students, to develop attitudes of inquiry and to enhance research skills in students (Hattie and Marsh, 1996). At the instructor level, a positive impact of research on teaching has also been motivated by the common abilities underlying both research and teaching, specifically the values and skills that lead to excellence in research (e.g. dedication, organization, originality, or critical thinking) are also likely to lead to excellence in teaching (e.g. knowledge of the subject, planning and presentation of the courses, or clarity of course objectives and requirements). Nevertheless, some authors highlight that different abilities and skills are required to perform both activities, suggesting that the personality characteristics of supportiveness, tolerance and warmth tend to be positively correlated with effective teaching whereas they appear to be negatively related to research productivity (Feldman, 1987). Moreover, it has also been argued that research has a negative impact on teaching, mainly because of a trade-off in time and effort spent on each of these activities. In addition, when faculty careers depend on research, it provides incentives to reduce the time and effort spent on teaching, so that allocation of time and the university system recommends to base recruiting and promotions mostly on research. This recommendation gave rise to a heated policy debate. The report can be downladed from the webpage of the Spanish Ministry of Education: http://www.mecd.gob.es/prensa-mecd/dms/mecd/servicios-al-ciudadanomecd/participacion-publica/sistemauniversitario/propuestas-reforma.pdf. 10 See for example page 33 ofthe expert report mentioned in the previous footnote. effort would be biased in favor of research activities (Marsh and Hattie, 2002; Karagiannis, 2009).

برای دانلود رایگان مقاله  کیفیت سیستم آموزش اینجا کلیک نمایید.

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