دانلود رایگان مقاله لاتین چشم انداز شبکه تکرار استراتژی از سایت الزویر

عنوان فارسی مقاله:

"قدرت توسط ... چه کسی؟" چشم انداز شبکه در تکرار به عنوان استراتژی

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:

“Powered by… whom?” A network perspective on replication as strategy

سال انتشار : 2016

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بخشی از مقاله انگلیسی:

4. Case description 

The food distribution sector in Portugal has changed substantially in recent years. A small number of large distribution players have gained prominence, while traditional small shops have faced growing difficulties. The revitalization of these shops has been a recurring issue for retail associations. They believe that the shops' revitalization would require the strengthening of the strategic position of small shops by increasing their sales and profits through “own brands.” Project Amanhecer (the Dawn Project, hereinafter referred to as DP) is a revitalization program by Recheio, who was the leading player in the cash and carry sector in Portugal with 41 outlets and sales of around 800 million euros in 2014. The project converts and adapts small- and medium-sized independently owned groceries to their model by using the Recheio name in association with their own names. The project began in 2011 with the revitalization of two shops and reached 150 shops in 2014. 4.1. The Dawn project Recheio sells about 50% of its products to small shops. Recheio decided to launch DP in 2010, following the decrease in its customers and turnover. According to the marketing director (MD), the project represents “…a survival strategy for Recheio, simply because we cannot afford to lose more than half our business.” According to Recheio, the low profitability of its customers results from bad practices such as inadequate assortments and pricing that lead to reduced turnover and low margins. The MD declares that “when they want to earn 10% margin, they apply 10% on everything. They do not know that there are items that have to be aligned with the rest of the market, otherwise customers may drive away.” The DP aims to combine Recheio's scale and expertise with the shopkeeper's knowledge and proximity to local consumers. This combination requires a redefinition of their roles for both Recheio and the small shops. According to the MD, Recheio expects that each “shopkeeper is exclusively committed to sell in his/her shop. That is what he/she is good at!” In addition, the “DP is aimed at nurturing greater customer loyalty.” When a shop formally joins the DP, the shopkeeper commits to implementing Recheio's model. The model comprises: (i) manuals and training in several areas (e.g., customer service, marketing, computing, perishables and assortment management, and food safety); (ii) support in managing assortments and margins; (iii) specific software to manage inventory and orders that generate detailed sales information; (iv) stock replenishment logistics; and (v) access to special conditions in contracts for energy and insurance. The model also includes highly visible elements on the shopfront and in the shop's environment (e.g., adverts, layout, signage, and uniforms). Both parties share the investment in the shop's renovation. Recheio provides approximately 20,000 euros for computer systems and the shop's appearance and reopening. The shopkeeper provides the dayto-day operations and undertakes to buy 60 to 80% of Recheio's products, in particular the full range of the brand Amanhecer. The shopfront, beside its name, also displays the Amanhecer logo. According to the MD, “The owner of a shop is a partner, not a worker. We like to think [of the project as] powered by Amanhecer.”

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