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 پیش بینی موقعیت نسبی برشCT با استفاده از سیستم هوش محاسباتی

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:

 Prediction of relative position of CT slices using a computational intelligence system

سال انتشار : 2015

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بخشی از مقاله انگلیسی :

The field of evolutionary computation is devoted to the developmentof search and optimization algorithms based on the coreprinciples of Neo-Darwinian evolutionary theory [11]. Evolutionaryalgorithms are population-based meta-heuristics, where candidatesolutions are stochastically selected and modified to produce new,and possibly better, solutions for a particular problem. In particular,in standard GP each individual is encoded using a tree structure,also known as a program tree, which can express a simple computerprogram, function, or operator [12]. Individual trees are built usingelements from two finite sets, internal nodes contain basic functionsfrom a Function set F, and leaves contain the input variablesof the program, taken from a Terminal set T. The basic GP algorithm,like every evolutionary algorithm, consists of the basic loopdepicted in Fig. 1. First, a random population of solutions (programtrees) are generated; then each individual is evaluated based on afitness or objective function; afterwards, individuals are selectedbased on their fitness scores; and finally, genetic operators (orsearch operators) are used to generate new candidate solutions,these are subtree mutation and subtree crossover as defined by[12]. The process terminates when a user defined stopping criterionis met, such as a maximum number of iterations (generations) orwhen the system has converged to a predefined fitness value. Thealgorithm then returns the solution (program tree) with the bestfitness value. Hereafter, we will refer to this algorithm as standardGP (STGP) [12].In the last few years, a rising topic in the field of GP has beenthe use of semantic methods [13]. These methods provide a way ofexploring the input–output behavior of programs, which is ultimatelywhat matters for problem solving. Semantics is usuallydefined as the vector of outputs obtained after the evaluation ofa GP individual on a set of fitness cases (training set). The topic ofsemantics contrasts with most previous work in GP, where geneticoperators work on the syntax of the individuals to transform theprogram code, while the effect on program output is indirect. Anyway,as discussed in [13], some existing semantic methods are alsoindirect, in the sense that they create new individuals using traditionalsyntax-based operators and, as a second step, accept thenewly created individuals if and only if some semantic criterion issatisfied. The introduction of a direct method has been proposedin [14], where the authors defined geometric semantic operators(GSOs) for GP. The objective of GSOs is to define modifications onthe syntax of GP individuals that have a precise correspondence ontheir semantics.

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کلمات کلیدی:

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