دانلود رایگان مقاله لاتین نمادگرایی انسانی و مذهبی و استفاده از پول از سایت الزویر
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تحقیقات میان فرهنگی و عامیانه درباره قدرت درک شده، نمادگرایی های انسانی و مذهبی و استفاده از پول
عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:
Cross-cultural folk-tale-elicitation research on the perceived power, humanistic and religious symbolisms, and use of money
سال انتشار : 2016
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بخشی از مقاله انگلیسی:
2. Literature
World economic growth is increasingly driven by developing nations. Economic development impacts interpersonal interactions and family dynamics (Triandis, 1989), including money management. Societies frequently become more individualistic and tend toward nuclear families as they develop, but traditional influences persist. Thus, developing nations provide an interesting context for examining the family dynamics of money. Prior research in the U.S. documents the interaction between societal changes, money meanings and family dynamics. Zeiler (1989) finds that the evolution of money meanings among married women in the U.S. between the 1870s and 1930s reflects a complex mixture of ideas about family life, gender roles and social class. Commuri and Gentry (2005) further emphasize the interaction between societal changes, family dynamics, and money meanings and management. Specifically, changes in woman's proportionate share of earnings within the family alter family power dynamics, which impacts negotiations and decisions regarding purchasing and money. Thus, economic changes impact family dynamics and money management. Recent research highlights India's traditional emphasis on duty (dharma). More specifically, this research highlights the juxtaposition and incorporation of Hindu culture's emphasis on duty with an emerging consumer ethos (Merchant et al., 2015), as well as the impact of cultural adaption to economic changes on family interaction patterns by comparing nuclear versus extended families and dual versus single income households (couples). This project expands on this recent research by examining and contrasting money attitudes and meanings within the family of two horizontal collectivist nations (Triandis & Gelfand, 1998): India and South Korea. These nations provide an interesting context for examining money within the family. Both nations have strong cultural beliefs and traditions, which contribute to their economic development and consumption. India is presently the second most populous country in the world, with Hindus accounting for 80.5% of the country's population (827 million people) (India Census, 2011). The country possesses a large and growing middle class (estimated at 28.4 million households or 153 million people; see Shukla, 2010) and an evolving culture of consumption (Sheth, 2011), resulting in a rapidly growing consumption sector that accounts for 57.2% of the country's GDP (Damodaran, 2011). Researchers project India to emerge as the largest economy in the world within the next 40 years (Rowley, 2012).
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