دانلود رایگان مقاله لاتین نقش رسانه  اجتماعی و ارزش برند در طی بحران فراخوان محصول از سایت الزویر

عنوان فارسی مقاله:

نقش رسانه های اجتماعی و ارزش برند در طی بحران فراخوان محصول: چشم انداز ارزش سهامداران

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:

The role of social media and brand equity during a product recall crisis: A shareholder value perspective

سال انتشار : 2016

برای دانلود رایگان مقاله نقش رسانه  اجتماعی و ارزش برند در طی بحران فراخوان محصول اینجا کلیک نمایید.

بخشی از مقاله انگلیسی:

2. Conceptual framework 

In general, a product recall crisis is perceived as an unfavorable and unexpected event (e.g., Pruitt & Peterson, 1986). The stock market responds to a recall efficiently once all market participants receive the information following the first public release date of the recall (Chu, Lin, & Prather, 2005; Rupp, 2004). Stock returns reflect the expected future cash flow of companies and changes in economy-wide and firm-specific information (Charoenrook & Lewis, 2009). The announcement of a product recall suggests changes in future cash flow, resulting in abnormal stock returns (Govindaraj, et al., 2004). Social media technologies such as the Internet, social networking, and mobile broadband have fundamentally changed the way people connect with each other and with brands. Online WOM is defined as ―any positive or negative statement made by potential, actual, or former customers about a product or a company, which is made available to a multitude of people and institutions via the Internet‖ (Hennig-Thurau, Gwinner, Walsh, & Gremler, 2004, p. 39). Online WOM can influence customer perceptions of the overall value of a firm’s offering (Gruen, Osmonbekov, & Czaplewski, 2006). In addition, WOM ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT 7 referrals through Internet social networking sites have substantially longer carryover effects than traditional marketing (Trusov, Bucklin, & Pauwels, 2009). Bickart and Schindler (2001) show that online WOM generates greater credibility and relevant information and evokes greater interest and empathy in product topics than the sources of information marketers create on corporate websites. Thus, the amount of control companies have over the content and distribution of the message is limited due to the consumers’ ability to disseminate information with several others (Mangold & Faulds, 2009). Building on these perspectives, we integrate emerging insights from the literature on product recalls, shareholder value, online WOM, and brand equity into a process framework that helps enumerate and explain proposed hypotheses. Figure 1 provides the conceptual framework for investigating the effects of product recalls, online WOM, and brand equity on shareholder value and provides a road map for the organization of the hypotheses in the present study. We first consider the moderating effect of social media metrics in terms of online WOM and a company’s involvement in social media during the product recall crises. Next, we discuss the interaction effect between social media and brand equity on stock performance.

برای دانلود رایگان مقاله نقش رسانه  اجتماعی و ارزش برند در طی بحران فراخوان محصول اینجا کلیک نمایید.

کلمات کلیدی:

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