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عنوان فارسی مقاله:

منابع بهینه از تامین کنندگان ظرفیت دار متناوب با ساختار هزینه های عمومی

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:

Optimal sourcing from alternative capacitated suppliers with general cost structures

سال انتشار :2016

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بخشی از مقاله انگلیسی:

4. Extensions 

In what follows, we model two important extensions of the basic model. We note that the properties that hold in Theorem 1 also hold in these extensions, which we do not show for brevity. 4.1. Limited number of suppliers The practice of working with multiple suppliers at the same time is a means of mitigating, to some extent, the risk of supply and yield uncertainties. Nevertheless, working with too many suppliers might also bring extra operational burden on the buyer; for example, this might loosen the control over the quality and punctuality of the delivered items, or the buyer might be willing to establish longterm business relations with a selected number of suppliers. A plausible and commonly adopted strategy in practice is ‘dual sourcing’. In this section, we extend our model to include a limit on the number of suppliers with which the buyer does business. We first introduce a new state variable, k ¼ 0; 1; …; K, which is defined as the number of suppliers selected for business. We define the recursive cost function f nðx; kÞ as before, with the addition that a positive procurement is made from k suppliers within the supplier base f1; 2; …; n1g. Let Gnðx; kÞ ¼ miny:xoyrUn CnðyxÞþf nþ1ðy; kþ1Þ . This function reflects the minimum total costs of procuring from the immediate supplier n by utilizing kþ1 suppliers within the supplier base Ta f1; 2; …; ng. Then, the following formulation solves the problem: for 0rxr XN i ¼ 1 Ui : f N þ1ðx; KÞ ¼ LðxÞ; f N þ1ðx; kÞ¼1 8k ¼ 0; 1;…K 1 for 0rxr n X1 i ¼ 1 Ui : f nðx; kÞ ¼ min Gnðx; kÞ; f nþ1ðx; kÞ for 2rnrN; 0rkrK f 1ð0; 0Þ ¼ min G1ð0; 0Þ; f 2ð0; 0Þ : 4.2. Multiple periods In this section, we extend our original model to multiple periods. In the beginning of the planning horizon, the buyer collects bids from a number of suppliers for each period of the planning horizon. The bids quoted by the suppliers may be period dependent, including the possibility of no supply. In every period, the buyer observes non-stationary stochastic demand. End-of-period inventory or backorder is carried to the next period, with a certain cost. We assume that the procurement lead time is zero, but our model can be easily extended to accommodate positive lead times. For this extension, we need to introduce the ‘time’ stage into the formulation and redefine the state variable x. Let T be the total number of periods in the planning horizon and t be the time index corresponding to periods. Similar to the original model, we number the suppliers arbitrarily from 1 to Nt in every period t, where Nt is the number of suppliers placing a bid in period t. Let Utn be the maximum capacity of supplier n in period t. Subscript n is still used to denote suppliers 1, 2, …, Nt. The state variable x and the recursive cost function are defined as follows: x: inventory level (on-hand inventory or backorders) at a given stage ðt; nÞ, when procurement decisions have been made for suppliers 1, 2, …, n1 in period t; ftn(x): minimum total expected cost of procuring from the partial supplier base fn; nþ1; …;Ng in period t from the full supplier base in periods tþ1;tþ2; …; T, when the inventory level is x. In th


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