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منابع بازاریابی، عملکرد و مزیت رقابتی: بررسی و راهنمایی های پژوهشی آینده
عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:
Marketing resources, performance, and competitive advantage: A review and future research directions
سال انتشار : 2016
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بخشی از مقاله انگلیسی:
2. Marketing resources, performance and competitive advantage — a framework
Marketing resources represent broad value propositions that affect the stakeholders in any business and firms that generally deploy these resources to gain a competitive advantage in the market (Hooley, Greenley, Cadogan, & Fahy, 2005). These resources may include tangible or intangible value propositions, physical or human processes, and intellectual or relational properties (cf. Srivastava et al., 1998; Hooley et al., 2005). Marketing resources also vary in their direct or indirect contribution to competitive advantage. For example, “market-based” resources that have direct effects on competitive advantage and are immediately deployable, whereas “marketing support” resources that serve as support activities and have indirect effects on competitive advantage (Hooley et al., 2005). Market-based resources are critical factors of firm performance, because of their pivotal role in acquiring market knowledge, developing brands, creating marketing relationships, etc. However, Srivastava et al. (1998) pointed out problems of identification of these resources in financial statements and the lack of their direct effects to improve the firm performance. In this context, despite years of research across different academic disciplines, there is scant literature exploring the inter-relationships among marketing resources, competitive advantage and marketing performance. The problem lies in the fact that the literature rarely takes a holistic view and mostly takes a partial conceptual ground and limited empirical approach. This special issue identifies and covers three main research streams related to marketing resources and performance. The first area is the relation of firm and/or brand to its environment, such as its stakeholders (Gaur, Kumar, & Singh, 2014; Krush, Agnihotri, Trainor, & Nowlin, 2014; Kurt & Hulland, 2013). The second area includes the effects of marketing as a function, in which the articles debate about the role of marketing department or function in a firm and how that role affects the overall company performance (Nath, Nachiappan, & Ramanathan, 2010; Zhao, Libaers, & Song, 2015). The third area is the identification and deployment of marketing resources and their effects on performance (Angulo-Ruiz et al., 2014; Capron & Hulland, 1999; Hooley et al., 2005; Kor & Mahoney, 2005; Mariadoss, Tansuhaj, & Mouri, 2011; Wang, Dou, Zhu, & Zhou, 2015). Articles in this area typically discuss the problem of resource deployment within the firm and how internal strategies affect firm performance. Table 1 briefly describes the seminal research articles on these three broad themes, with their theoretical frameworks, major findings, open questions and contextual factors, as identified and discussed by these authors
برای دانلود رایگان مقاله منابع بازاریابی و مزیت رقابتی اینجا کلیک نمایید.
کلمات کلیدی:
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