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عنوان فارسی مقاله:
شیوه های منابع انسانی با تعهد بالا، رابطه اشتغال و عملکرد شغلی: آزمون یک مدل میانجی
عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:
High commitment HR practices, the employment relationship and job performance: A test of a mediation model
سال انتشار : 2016
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بخشی از مقاله انگلیسی:
2. Theoretical background
Since interest grew in finding the relationship between HRM and performance, stimulated in particular by the seminal paper by Huselid (1995), descriptions of HR practices have often been prefaced by words that imply their aims. The most commonly used are high performance HR, high commitment HR and high involvement HR. The terms high performance HR or even high performance work systems (HPWS) have tended to dominate the literature, reflecting the particular interest in those practices most likely to lead to high performance. However one of the early influential studies by Walton (1985) emphasized the need to move from an approach based on control to one based on commitment, implying the need for a distinctive set of HR practices. This has been followed up in subsequent research and writing (see, for example, Pfeffer, 1998; Wood & Albanese, 1995). The case for high involvement HR practices has been outlined by Boxall and Macky (2009). Both the high involvement and more particularly the high commitment approaches to HRM imply that performance needs to be based on a positive employment relationship. As such, they can be differentiated from the AMO model that has as its main focus those HR practices that improve employee performance, leaving aside any concern for the employment relationship. The aim of this study is to explore the effect of high commitment HRM on employee performance and to test a model explaining how it has an impact. The underlying assumption of this model, reflecting the ideas of Walton and others, is that the organization needs to develop a positive reciprocal relationship with employees with the aim of achieving mutual benefits. Again, this can be contrasted with the AMO model, where the focus is on organizational benefits, particularly on performance outcomes, to the neglect of employee concerns. It is reflected in reviews raising questions about how far an approach based on the concept of high performance HR practices can result in both high performance and high employee well-being (Godard, 2004; van de Voorde, Paauwe & Veldhoven, 2012). Our proposition is that a high commitment approach to HRM is more likely to lead to mutual benefits reflected in both high satisfaction and high performance and resulting from a positive social exchange.
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کلمات کلیدی:
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