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هنگامی که آسمان در سنجش محدود است: از مقیاس زمانی به مقیاس multiplicative در فن آوری های مبتنی بر روند

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:

When the sky is the limit on scale: From temporal to multiplicative scaling in process-based technologies

سال انتشار : 2017

برای دانلود رایگان مقاله مقیاس زمانی multiplicative اینجا کلیک نمایید.

بخشی از مقاله انگلیسی:

2. Theoretical background 

Leaps in innovation resulting from new dominant designs often enable a change in scale of products or of production volumes (Abernathy and Utterback, 1978; Suarez and Utterback, 1995; Tushman and Murmann, 2003). With numerous variations this pattern has been shown to hold in many different industries, e.g., aircraft for civil aviation (Frenken and Leydesdorff, 2000; Slayton and Spinardi, 2016); the typewriter, calculator, TV, vacuum tube, and transistor industries (Suarez and Utterback, 1995) and the cement, container glass, flat glass, and minicomputer industries (Anderson and Tushman, 1990). Sahal (1981) first underlined how dominant designs expand the scale of a technology. Often scale means physical size. The relevant scaling can be a “scaling-up” of wing span and fuselage length for civil aircraft (Frenken and Leydesdorff, 2000), or a “scaling-down” of vacuum tubes, transistors, and integrated circuits for computers (Cabral and Leiblein, 2001). Sahal (1981) and Slayton and Spinardi (2016) note that scaling can occur in dimensions beyond just overall product size, however, underlining especially the challenge of scaling up key components of products. The experience of the hard disk industry exemplifies both spatial and temporal scaling. The adoption of magnetic polarization increased the areal density, i.e., the volume of information stored on a given length of track of the hard disk drive (Christensen, 1997); meanwhile, the basic measurement unit of microprocessor clock speed advanced from MHz (megahertz) in 1990s to GHz (gigahertz) in early 2000 when semiconductor manufacturers deployed a narrower line width (Cabral and Leiblein, 2001). Although an exhaustive discussion of how the term “scale” has been used is beyond the purview of this research, such patterns of innovation suffice to indicate the multiple dimensions of scale characteristics of products. Previous scholarship has also shed light on the mechanisms leading to a change of scale. Anderson and Tushman (1990) develop a cyclical model of technological change in which one cycle begins with competing product designs that converge on a dominant design, followed by a sequence of incremental changes. These changes ultimately lead to technological discontinuity and another round of product design competition; Slayton and Spinardi (2016) conceptualize such discontinuities as sociotechnical transitions. In each cycle, rivalry between product designs contributes to changes in scale. A hierarchical view of design principles helps explain how dominant designs at different system levels enable such leaps (Murmann and Frenken, 2006; Sahal, 1981; Tushman and Murmann, 2003). Such a view is again illustrated by the development of the hard disk drive (Christensen et al., 1998). Two architectural innovations (the Winchester architecture and intelligent interface electronics) and two component innovations (the underspindle pancake motor and the voice coil actuator motor) occurring between 1973 and 1986 defined today's hard disk drives. The interplay of innovations at different system levels shrank the disk from 14 to 1.8 in. A common denominator among different kinds of changes in scale is efficiency improvement leading to higher user utility and thus to greater market acceptance. The market often withholds the adoption of an innovation until a certain cost and/or efficiency threshold is met (Sahal, 1981). For instance, connections to the power grid multiplied when the cost of electricity decreased (Sahal, 1981). In general, dominant designs inaugurate the convergence of supply and demand at a sharply increased level (Benner and Tripsas, 2012; Murmann and Frenken, 2006). With regard to the issue of scaling in particular, one point that is underdeveloped in prior research is the conflation of efficiencies resulting from the scale of production operations (e.g., factory size) and efficiencies resulting from the scaling-up or scaling-down of products (e.g. product performance gains) as seen in aircraft (Sahal, 1981) and disk drives (Christensen et al., 1998).

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