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عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:

The technology foresight activities of European Union data protection authorities

سال انتشار : 2016

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بخشی از مقاله انگلیسی:

2. Emerging technologies and their privacy and data protection impacts 

Technological foresight for data protection and privacy is complicated by four factors, as can be illustrated with examples from emerging technologies attracting data protection and privacy concerns, in this case drones, big data and Internet of Things (IOT).14 Drones15 are a varied and emerging technology with clear impacts for privacy and also for data protection, in particular in their use for law enforcement purposes, but also in civilian applications. Whilst many data handling and analysis practices might be called “big data”, the actual concept of big data refers to data processing to do things at large scale, than cannot be done at a smaller one, and the extraction of new insights or the creation of new forms of value from massive data sets.16 IOT and its various related technologies (such as smart cities, cars, homes etc.) involve the proliferation of sensors and actuators throughout the environment, and the interconnection of these devices with each other and with the online environment.17 18 The first factor complicating DPA foresight is that understanding what new technologies are doing, and the real limits of their capabilities is hard, likely requiring domain expertise, and new approaches, whilst negotiating any marketing claims which may overstate technological capacities, whilst downplaying potential data protection impacts. The Article 29 Data Protection Working Party's Opinion on drones highlights the issue of data ownership, the requirement for clear identification of controller and processor, and advocates the use of data protection impact assessments in the deployment and use of drones19 (as has the European Data Protection Supervisor).20 Similarly, protecting privacy in big data may require greater accountability from big data processors, whilst institutions and professionals will need to develop the skills to assess and interpret the complex algorithmic decision making that will emerge.21 The EDPS report on Meeting the Challenges of Big Data noted that business models exploiting new capabilities for massive collection, instantaneous transmission, combination and re-use of personal information for new purposes strain data protection principles, and highlighted the role of new principles such as accountability and privacy by design in responding to this challenge. It also noted the need for the EU to show leadership in developing accountable personal data processing, rather than uncritically importing data business models that have been developed elsewhere. The EDPS called for responsible and sustainable development of big data: organisations being transparent about the data they process, granting users a high degree of control over how their data is used, designing user friendly data protection into products and services, and being more accountable for what they do.2

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کلمات کلیدی:

Research - EU Science and Technology Foresight in FP7 https://ec.europa.eu/research/future/foresight/index_en.cfm Nov 15, 2004 - The Commission would welcome views and comments from all regarding EU Science and Technology Foresight activities in FP7. Projects - European Foresight - Europa EU foresight.jrc.ec.europa.eu/projects.html Current and recent projects of the JRC-IPTS European Foresight activity include: ... The JRC-IPTS regularly organises the Future Oriented Technology Analyses ... CORDIS Archive : CORDIS: Science and Technology Foresight https://cordis.europa.eu/foresight/platform.htm CORDIS service for the researchch activity Science and Technology Foresight. ... up of a European S&T Foresight Knowledge Sharing Platform is the diffusion ... surveillance and identity: technology foresight activities of EU data ... surveillantidentity.blogspot.com/2016/11/technology-foresight-activities-of-eu.html Nov 21, 2016 - The paper maps the technology foresight activities of European DPAs - the ways in which these organisations try to understand new ... Technology Assessment: Forecasting Future Adoption of Emerging ... https://books.google.com/books?isbn=3503126759 Tugrul U. Daim - 2011 - ‎Information technology Forecasting Future Adoption of Emerging Technologies Tugrul U. Daim ... Barre, R. and Greaves, C. (2001), “Monitoring European Foresight Activities”, Brussels, ... David Barnard-Wills on Twitter: "My new paper: The technology ... https://twitter.com/DBarnardWills/status/798451919043891200 Nov 15, 2016 - Political Scientist working on technology, privacy, identity, security and the .... My new paper: The technology foresight activities of European ...