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مطالعات رهبری - یک راه اسکاندیناوی الهام بخش رو به جلو است؟

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:

Leadership studies—A Scandinavian inspired way forward?

سال انتشار : 2016

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بخشی از مقاله انگلیسی:

2. Some potential ways forward where Scandinavian leadership scholars might show the way and serve as inspiration

I suggest three important and – hopefully – constructive ways of responding to the five challenges outlined above. Notable is that all three areas to a large extent are inspired by Scandinavian (or more correctly Nordic since some scholars referred to are based in Finland) leadership research, some of it published in this very journal. 2.1. Taking the concept of leadership more seriously In order to mitigate the intellectual confusion caused by the increasingly hegemonic position of leadership as a concept (Blom & Alvesson,2015),weneedtothink carefully aboutwhatit shouldrefer to;it needs to be reasonably distinctin order to not cover everything and thus nothing. The task in this paper is not to argue for – and impose – yet another definition of leadership on the reader, but to encourage the student of leadership to carefully delimit its meaning and its reach in a way thatis useful for advancing our understanding of the phenomenon it is supposed to represent (as well as other similar/nearby phenomena, then hopefully not vaguely covered by the leadership label). A good starting point is to actively consider and work with alternative signifiers. When for example trying to make sense of how formal superiors plan, provide instructions, allocate resources, control behaviour and/or output, hire and fire, the concept of ‘managerial work’ can provide a better point of departure than ‘leadership’. Of course, it may be the case that we at a certain point of time realize that leadership actually captures what is going on in a better way than management or managerial work, but the point is that this should not be taken for granted a priori (to be compared with the much less risky notion that managers most likely conduct some form of ‘managerial work’). If we instead – based on opportunism, habit and/or conceptual affection – depart from ‘leadership’ when studying and describing the activities outlined above and stick to that notion, we run the risk of contributing to the dilution of leadership as a useful and informative concept. It is for example common to conflate and include both the organic, emergent, and largely voluntary process of leadership/ followership and the authority linked to formal hierarchy in organizations (what is better referred to as management) under the banner of leadership (sometimes with the distinction of informal versus formal leadership). This adds to both the confusion and the naturalization of ‘leadership’ in organizations and society

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کلمات کلیدی:

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