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مشکلات حقوقی جدید اطراف برنامه های تندرستی و پیامدهای آن برای ریسک مالی

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:

New legal pitfalls surrounding wellness programs and their implications for financial risk

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بخشی از  مقاله انگلیسی:

2. Recent ADA-based challenges to wellness programs In 2013, Pennsylvania State University tried to implement a health initiative that required employees to complete a questionnaire administered by an outside health management company (Singer, 2013a). The form contained questions regarding workplace stress, marital problems, and pregnancy plans. Employees who declined to fill out the form were charged a penalty of $100 per month. The university’s faculty objected to the intimate questions as an invasion of privacy and viewed the financial punishment for failing to answer such questions as a ‘‘strong—arm tactic’’ (Singer, 2013b). Following the outcry,the university announced it would suspend its monthly $100 non-compliance fee. Days later, U.S. Representative Louise M. Slaughter called on the EEOC to investigate employer wellness programs that seek intimate health information from employees and to issue guidelines preventing employers from using such information to discriminate against employees (Singer, 2013b). Despite pressure from Capitol Hill, issuing guidelines was not the EEOC’s first move. Instead, the agency filed three cases in rapid-fire succession in 2014 alleging that employers’ wellness programs violated the ADA.

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کلمات کلیدی:

Legal considerations of a workplace wellness program | Health ... https://healthplans.providence.org/fittogether/fit-for.../employer-legal-considerations/ If you're hosting a wellness program at work, consider these legal issues. Learn how the ACA, ... Employees get the opportunity to improve their health, which, in turn, can lower employers' costs. However .... Tax implications. The following is a ... [PDF]The Implications of COBRA for Wellness Programs - Proskauer www.proskauer.com/.../The%20Implications%20of%20COBRA%20for%20Wellness... Jul 24, 2010 - implications — particularly their COBRA implications. ... Before considering the COBRA implications of wellness programs, consider the various ... There is no getting around that legal truism. There are two basic problems with ... [PDF]Wellness Programs and Lifestyle Discrimination - Moodle Adaptland https://moodle.adaptland.it/pluginfile.php/20613/mod_data/.../2008_Mello.pdf by MM Mello - ‎Cited by 78 - ‎Related articles Jul 10, 2008 - The ethical issues surrounding wellness in- ... plan members take to reduce their health risk. ..... The ADA has three implications for wellness. EEOC Issues Final Rules Addressing the Implications of ADA/GINA on ... https://employerdefensereport.com/.../eeoc-issues-final-rules-addressing-the-implicatio... May 16, 2016 - ... the confusion surrounding how both the ADA and GINA impact wellness programs under the Affordable Care Act (“ACA”) and its regulations. Workplace Wellness Programs Characteristics and Requirements ... kff.org/private.../workplace-wellness-programs-characteristics-and-requirements/ May 19, 2016 - ERISA standards for health-contingent wellness program incentives – In 2010, the ... Variation around the average is substantial; for example, 25% of covered workers ... to an employee's spouse to participate in its workplace wellness program. ..... engage in formal evaluation of wellness program impacts.