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یک مدل نظری مدیریت استراتژیک شرکت های خانوادگی. رویکرد قابلیت های پویا

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:

A theoretical model of strategic management of family firms. A dynamic capabilities approach

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مقدمه انگلیسی مقاله:

1. Introduction

The need for a strategic management theory for family firms was first posited by Sharma, Chrisman, and Chua (1997). In 2005, Chrisman, Chua and Sharma stated their belief that ‘without theory, family firm research will lack the causal linkages needed to help family firms manage their businesses better and guide researchers toward the most fruitful areas of investigation’ (2005: 556). However, the literature on family firm strategy remains sparse (Carney, Van Essen, Gedajlovic, & Heugens, 2015; Ibrahim, Angelidis, & Parsa, 2008), and further insights into the understanding of strategic management of family firms are thus required. An initial theoretical proposal concerning the strategic management process of family firms was presented in a simplified schema by Sharma et al. (1997), who recognize that the strategic management of family firms is dynamic and interactive (Sharma et al., 1997). However, their proposal is based on static views of strategic management from the 1970s. Since then, further progress has been made vis-à-vis a dynamic perspective of strategic management (Teece, 2014). From this approach, the focus is on dynamic capabilities and resources, both elements and their interactions being the key antecedents of the firm’s strategy. The dynamic capabilities approach was taken into account in the context of family firms through certain preliminary analyses (Chirico, 2007; Chirico & Nordqvist, 2010; Chirico, Nordqvist, Colombo, & Mollona, 2012; Chirico & Salvato, 2008, 2016; Chirico, Sirmon, Sciascia, & Mazzola, 2011). However, contributions to strategic management literature focusing on family firms remain scarce. In this article, we advance our understanding of strategic management in family firms by offering a theoretical model based on the dynamic capabilities approach adapted to family firms. In order to achieve this, the specificities of family firms, particularly the idiosyncratic resources and capabilities of family firms need to be taken into account. Literature agrees that familiness2 embraces the valuable, rare, imperfectly imitable, and non-substitutable (VRIN) resources (Barney,1991) of family firms generated by family member interaction with the firm (Chrisman, Chua, & Sharma, 2005; Habbershon & Williams,1999). Yet, only if the firm invests in its dynamic capabilities through its learning mechanisms will family firm resources be created, extended or modified. In family firms, learning is not just based on accumulation, integration and codification (Zollo & Winter, 2002) but also on socioemotional

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کلمات کلیدی:

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