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عنوان فارسی مقاله:

مدل های دینامیک DEA با ساختار شبکه: یک برنامه کاربردی برای خطوط هوایی ایران

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:

Dynamic DEA models with network structure: An application for Iranian airlines

سال انتشار : 2016

برای دانلود رایگان مقاله مدل دینامیک dea اینجا کلیک نمایید.

بخشی از مقاله انگلیسی:

5. Case study: Iranian airlines 

Iran Civil Aviation Organization (CAO) is established in 1946 and is responsible for applying rules to air transport industry, control airport's performance and safe flights. This governmental organization became a member of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in 1949. “Iranian Airways” was the first domestic airline, which started to work in 1946. Persian Airways was another private airline that was established in 1954 for transporting cargo to Europe. Different factors such as Iran's geographical situation, people's welfare and requirements of having relationship with other countries caused the government to establish a national airline. Thus, in 1962 “Iranian Airways” and “Persian Airways” were merged and “Iranian national airline” was established that was known as “Iran Air”, internationally. Developments in technology and societies caused civil air transport to develop and allow private airlines to start their work. Now, 16 local airlines are active in Iran, such as Ata, Aseman, Taban, Iran air tour, Kaspian, Naft Iran, Mahan, Kish, which are responsible to carry passenger and transport cargo. The framework to analyze the performance of transportation industry has been proposed in the literature. Sengupta (1999) proposed a dynamic efficiency model involving inter-temporal cost minimization in the framework of a DEA model and utilized the model to assess seven international airlines during 1988e1994. Three types of efficiency, e.g., technical efficiency, allocative effi- ciency and scale efficiency are measured over time. Zhu (2011) presented a two-stage network to consider the internal structure of airline companies and used centralized model to calculate overall and stage efficiency. In the first stage, resources such as fuel cost, benefit and other factors are used to maintain the load factor and fleet size, which generate revenue in the second stage. Centralized model was used to study the performance of 21 airlines during 2007 and 2008. Transportation services are non-storable, for example the seat-miles and airplane must be consumed by passenger concurrently, and otherwise they are wasted (Yu and Lin, 2008). These intertwined activities construct a two-stage structure composed of production and consumption processes (Tavassoli et al., 2014). Due to non-storable characteristic of transit systems, Yu and Lin (2008) presented a multi-activity network that represents production and consumption technologies in a unified framework and used a network DEA model to measure the Esys o ¼ 1 s sys* o Esys o ¼ 1 X T t¼1 wb ðt;1Þ 1 Eðt;1Þ o þ K X1 k¼2 wb ðt;kÞ 1 Eðt;kÞ o ! þ wb ðt;KÞ 1 Eðt;KÞ o Esys o ¼ 1 X T t¼1 wb ðt;1Þ þ K X1 k¼2 wb ðt;kÞ þ wb ðt;KÞ ! þX T t¼1 wb ðt;1Þ Eðt;1Þ o þ wb ðt;kÞ K X1 k¼2 Eðt;kÞ o þ wb ðt;KÞ Eðt;KÞ o ! (36) H. Omrani, E. Soltanzadeh / Journal of Air Transport Management 57 (2016) 52e61 57 technical efficiency (ratio of production to input factors), service effectiveness (ratio of consumption to production) and technical effectiveness (ratio of consumption to input factors) of 20 railways, simultaneously. Yu (2012) presented a two-process air route operation including production and consumption flows to analyze service efficiency (SE), production efficiency (PE) and operational efficiency (OE). DEA models ignore non-zero slacks associated with inputs and outputs. So the inefficiency source in inputs and outputs cannot be identified. Yu (2012) proposed enhanced-Russell measure (ERM-NDEA) model to overcome the problem. This model averages the input and the output efficiency separately and then combines these two efficiencies in a ratio form and reflects the nonzero slacks by allowing some inputs and outputs to be zero. The author assessed transport services of 15 domestic Taiwanese airlines to find input excesses without altering outputs of the production process, which cause production inefficiency and output shortfalls without changing intermediate inputs. Lozano and Gutierrez (2014) proposed a two-stage network of airline's operation, which is consisting of production process and sales process. Production process uses fuel cost, wages and operating costs to produce available seat kilometers and available ton kilometers. The available seat kilometers and available ton kilometers are input for sales process to produce revenue passenger kilometers and revenue ton kilometers. The study applied a slack-based network DEA to analyze the efficiency of European airlines. Lu et al. (2012) proposed a two-stage production process by using inputs such as the number of employees, fuel consumed, seating capacity and maintain expense to produce revenue passenger miles and nonpassenger revenue. They calculated production efficiency and marketing efficiency and suggested that managers should focus first on improving inefficient allocation of resources in production and then their marketing efficiency. Tavassoli et al. (2014) used a slacks-based network DEA approach to measure technical effi- ciency and service effectiveness of Iranian airlines. They presented a network structure composed of production and consumption sections, which are separated to passenger and cargo processes. However, the studies on Iranian airlines' efficiency are very few.

برای دانلود رایگان مقاله مدل دینامیک dea اینجا کلیک نمایید.

کلمات کلیدی:

Dynamic DEA models with network structure: An ... - IDEAS/RePEc https://ideas.repec.org/a/eee/jaitra/v57y2016icp52-61.html by H Omrani - ‎2016 - ‎Cited by 1 - ‎Related articles The actual data is gathered in three periods from 2010 to 2012 and the results are compared with the dynamic DEA and network DEA models in the same time ... [PDF]Dynamic DEA with network structure: -A slacks-based measure ... www.grips.ac.jp/cms/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/DEA_Chapter1.pdf by K Tone - ‎Cited by 3 - ‎Related articles Abstract: We propose a dynamic DEA model involving network structure in each period within the framework of a slacks-based measure approach. We have ... [PDF]The parallel network dynamic DEA model with interval data - ispacs www.ispacs.com/journals/dea/2014/dea-00085/article.pdf of two models of developed network DEA [8] and dynamic DEA [10] for the SBM ... model of dynamic DEA with the parallel network structure having considered ... The parallel network dynamic DEA model with interval data - ispacs www.ispacs.com/journals/dea/2014/dea-00085/ S. Keikha Javan, M. Rostamy Malkhalifeh, Non radial model of dynamic DEA with the parallel network structure, International Journal of data envelopment ... Measuring Performance of Dynamic and Network Structures by SBM ... https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/208e/bb3a554016e6689e8f177e479434e54be83e.pdf by N Aghayi - ‎2014 - ‎Cited by 3 - ‎Related articles To this end, in this chapter, models are suggested to evaluate the dynamic network ... Models with DEA network structures have been suggested by Färe. (1991) ... Dynamic network data envelopment analysis for university hospitals ... www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0034-89102016000100402 by MSC Lobo - ‎2016 - ‎Related articles May 13, 2016 - The network DEA and dynamic DEA models are integrated (DNSBM ... linked in a networks structure within each period, and, horizontally, each ... [PDF]Modeling Dynamic Production Systems with Network Structure ijmsi.ir/article-1-467-en.pdf DEA approach presented to measure the performance of such network units. According to the results of proposed dynamic model the inefficien- cies of DMUs ... Advances in DEA Theory and Applications: With Extensions to ... https://books.google.com/books?isbn=111894562X Kaoru Tone - 2017 - ‎Business & Economics Through the network DEA model, we can observe not only the efficiency of DMUs ... We have employed a dynamic DEA model involving the network structure ...