دانلود رایگان مقاله لاتین لجستیک و تعیین ارزش هم افزایی پایداری از سایت الزویر
عنوان فارسی مقاله:
لجستیک معکوس و تعیین ارزش غیررسمی در پایه هرم: مطالعه موردی در هم افزایی پایداری و تجارت
عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:
Reverse logistics and informal valorisation at the Base of the Pyramid: A case study on sustainability synergies and trade-offs
سال انتشار : 2016
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بخشی از مقاله انگلیسی:
2. Literature review and conceptual background
In the following section, the conceptual elements used for our analysis are derived first from the literature on RL and then from the concept of IV, which therefore widens the theoretical foundation of BoP studies. 2.1. Elements and activities of reverse logistics RL focuses on the recovery of value from a product after its disposal and is therefore the starting point of a new supply chain (Guide, Harrison, & Van Wassenhove, 2003; Guide & Van Wassenhove, 2009). It is part of the wider efforts of reducing the (environmental) impact of reused products or waste. The general or ideal sequence of options (e.g. King, Burgess, Ijomah, & McMahon, 2006, p. 258) would be as follows: ‘1. waste reduction (such as extending product durability); 2. waste re-use (such as remanufacturing products for a second life); 3. waste recovery (such as raw material recycling) and lastly 4. waste landfill (as the last resort).’ With regard to the example discussed in this paper, offering water in plastic bags is a hygienic and comparatively cheap option of supplying water. Waste reduction through not providing such packaged drinking water is not a viable option, as drinking water is a primary need of all human beings and alternative sources are insufficient. Re-use options of plastic products exist, but require a better upfront quality of the packaging (see, e.g. the analysis of Ross & Evans, 2003). Hence, waste recovery seems to be the preferred option over contributing to waste landfills. The waste recovery therefore demands that a close-loop supply chain is established, where RL activities form part of the core processes for setting up such a supply chain (Pagell, Wu, & Murthy, 2007; Pohlen & Theodore Farris, 1992).
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کلمات کلیدی:
Reverse logistics and informal valorisation at the Base of the Pyramid ... https://www.growkudos.com/publications/10.1016%252Fj.emj.2016.01.004 A free platform for explaining your research in plain language, and managing how you communicate around it – so you can understand how best to increase its ... Rüdiger Hahn - Google Scholar Citations https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=DLYLp2MAAAAJ&hl=da Universität Hohenheim - uni-hohenheim.de Sustainable Supply Chain Management in 'Base of the Pyramid' Food Projects ... Reverse logistics and informal valorisation at the Base of the Pyramid: A case ... Analyzing Base-of-the-Pyramid Research from a (Sustainable) Supply ... https://www.springerprofessional.de/analyzing-base-of-the-pyramid...a.../12095628 Feb 27, 2017 - Research on the base-of-the-pyramid (BoP) approach and the associated business case for deprived participants in informal markets now ... Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre: Peer-reviewed Journal Papers in ... https://www.uni-kassel.de/fb07/en/.../peer-reviewed-journal-papers-in-english.html Brix-Asala, C., Hahn, R., Seuring, S. (2016): Reverse logistics and informal valorisation at the Base of the Pyramid: A case study on sustainability synergies and ... Integrating the informal sector for improved waste management ... blog.private-sector-and-development.com/.../integrating-informal-sector-for-improve... Nov 12, 2012 - At the bottom of the waste trade pyramid are the waste pickers who ... Materials recovered by the informal valorisation sector are sold into the ... 2.4 Integrating the informal sector - Coursera https://www.coursera.org/learn/solid-waste.../2-4-integrating-the-informal-sector At the bottom of the waste trade pyramid are the waste pickers who engage in the ... The materials recovered by this informal valorization sector are sold into the ... [PDF]Integrating the informal sector for improved waste ... - Proparco www.proparco.fr/jahia/webdav/site/proparco/.../SPD15_Sanjay_k_Gupta_uk.pdf by SK Gupta - Cited by 3 - Related articles process. Apart from this, informal sector waste management activities also helps ... bottom of the waste trade pyramid are the ... Informal valorisation businesses.