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عنوان فارسی مقاله:

من، خودم، و Ikea: اثرات تعیین کلی خودارجاعی در قضاوت برند

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:

Me, myself, and Ikea: Qualifying generic self-referencing effects in brand judgment

سال انتشار : 2017 

برای دانلود رایگان مقاله قضاوت برند اینجا کلیک نمایید.

بخشی از مقاله انگلیسی:

3. Qualifying the self-referencing effect 

Work in implicit consumer cognition strongly suggests that the selfreferencing effect may unfold as a function of associative self-anchoring, in which the association of an object (e.g., a brand or product) with the self produces a transfer of pre-existing self-associations to the object (see Gawronski et al., 2007; Cadinu & Rothbart, 1996; Otten, 2003). The process that drives this associative transfer can be understood as akin to evaluative conditioning, in which the pairing of an initially neutral or even valenced object (the product or brand, acting as conditioned stimulus, CS) with the self (acting as the unconditioned stimulus, UCS) may influence evaluations of the CS through a transfer of affect from the self (the UCS) to the CS (rather than vice versa). This requires arguing that the self can indeed function as a UCS. A wealth of research indicates that it can. More in particular, Greenwald and Banaji (1995) and others (e.g., Gawronski et al., 2007; Symons & Johnson, 1997; Walter & Traselli, 2003; Zhang & Chan, 2009; Perugini, Richetin & Zogmaister, 2012) have argued and shown that the self possesses both the necessary and sufficient attributes to take on this role –the (actual) self is a welldeveloped mental construct, it is highly accessible, has a clear valence, and has the capability to produce evaluative changes even in cases of an “accidental” association with a neutral object. Consequently, it follows that if the self is implicitly or explicitly activated by a self-relevant stimulus and if this activated sense of self is saliently associated with a neutral object, then the valence associated with the self should spill over and affect evaluations of the neutral object. By extension, if the self is activated by a self-referencing prefix in a brand or product name, the associated valence should spill over and affect evaluations of the brand or product associated with it, thus producing a generic self-referencing effect. These notions are tested in the present work.

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کلمات کلیدی:

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