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ارتقا قابلیت های جدید توسعه محصول شرکت های کوچک و متوسط از طریق نوآوری های مدیریتی

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:

Enhancing new product development capabilities of small- and medium-sized enterprises through managerial innovations

سال انتشار : 2016

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بخشی از مقاله انگلیسی:

2. Conceptual development 

2.1. Managerial innovation Research in the fields of innovation management has investigated NPDs in terms of new products or new processes thoroughly. Authors often make the distinction between incremental and radical innovations (McDermott & O'Connor, 2002; Oke, Burke, & Myers, 2007) or product and process innovations (Presley, Sarkis, & Liles, 2000). These concepts have been challenged by scholars who ascertained that those categorisations are problematic insofar as they disregard structural differences between the firms' internal, administrative, or managerial processes on the one hand and more technical processes that lead to new products or production processes on the other hand. The number of studies that address these differences is still very low. An example of a threefold differentiation of innovation types is provided by Mavondo, Chimhanzi, and Stewart (2005), who set administrative innovations apart from product and process innovations. Damanpour (1987) used the distinction between technical and administrative innovations, and Daft (1978) argued that there is a hierarchy of innovations in organisations. According to Daft (1978), administrative innovations have an impact on technical innovations, indicating that administrative innovations are on a higher hierarchy level than technical innovations. He supposed in his dual-core model that NPDs are accomplished at two different levels, the administrative and the technical core. While some NPDs can be balanced in terms of both cores, Daft (1978) claimed that differences in the innovativeness of firms could be traced back to varying predominance and couplings of either the administrative or the technical core. At this point, it is necessary to clarify terminology. For Mustafa (2015), organisational innovation describes new types of leadership and a changing organisational culture. Daft (1978) defined organisational innovation as an implementation of a new idea or behaviour. In addition, administrative innovations designate changes in the management system, processes, and social relations within the firm (Damanpour, 1987, 1991; Damanpour & Evan, 1984; Damanpour et al., 1989; Tanninen, Jantunen, & Saksa, 2008). However, since we focus on managerial innovations in our study, studies employing the term managerial innovation are of greater interest. This term was used by Birkinshaw et al. (2008) and Damanpour and Aravind (2012) to describe changes in organisational structures, processes, and systems. In their comparative study of organisational, administrative, and managerial innovation, Damanpour and Aravind (2012) ascertained that all three terms characterise similar ideas, which is the reason why we focus on one term only, namely, managerial innovation. Even though this term may indicate a higher degree of management in- fluence on change management processes, we argue that the initial spark for such processes mostly depends on the manager. Reinforcing this mind-set, Lloréns Montes, Ruiz Moreno, and Miguel Molina Fernández (2004) suggested that management support is the starting point for innovations. We should note that the terms managerial innovation, administrative innovation, and organisational innovation are often applied synonymously. After outlining the different terms, for us, managerial innovation means a change in organisational structure that is new to the firm and that has not previously been introduced (HernándezMogollon et al., 2010).

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