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عنوان فارسی مقاله:
مغز جهانی و فراوانی اقتصاد نوظهور: تعاونی، همکاری باز، شبکه های تبادل و مشترکات خودکار
عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:
The global brain and the emerging economy of abundance: Mutualism, open collaboration, exchange networks and the automated commons
سال انتشار : 2016
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بخشی از مقاله انگلیسی:
4. I–You and I–It interactions
But even if products cannot be provided free of charge or exchanged for labor time coupons, the impersonality of market transactions can be overcome with available technology and new social arrangements. We see the beginnings of this when cooperative stores sell “fair trade” coffee and other products from third-world cooperative enterprises and consumers willingly pay a higher price hoping that it will help poor third-world workers. With the current technology, however, consumers have no way of knowing how much of their money goes to the original producers, or even who these producers are. With open exchange technology, this would be transparent. The principle of knowing where your products came from and who produced them could be generalized with open collaboration networks in which all aspects of the value chain are exposed to scrutiny in all their warm and human glory. This has potential to improve human life and smooth the path to a positive Singularity for all humanity, as people become aware of the people whose lives are impacted by their choices. This should apply to all kinds of exchanges and economic activities, not just to relationships between affluent consumers and third-world peasants. This could make work more meaningful, even in the intellectual realms that are often thought of as inherently more creative. For instance, if a scholar is writing a review of a book simply to get a publication credit, or a journalist is writing one for pay, the tendency may be to write the review as quickly as possible so as to maximize productivity, or to show off the author's erudition by being overly critical so as to win further jobs. On the other hand, if the reviewer and author are linked in a collaborative network, and may be reviewing each other's books, they may be more likely to put real effort into constructive criticism that will be helpful in improving the product. In the language of philosopher Martin Buber (1971), there will be more of an “I–You” interaction between the two writers doing the mutual book reviewing — more of a real connection between the people involved, each acknowledging the other as a meaningful human being and experiencing the other's mind and being. In contrast, monetary interactions tend to reduce exchanges to the “I–It” level: other people are viewed as instruments for getting us money, which we can then use to get stuff we want (via the medium of other human instruments…). In a typical monetary interaction, there is no true “second-person experience” (Thompson, 2001); rather, the symbolic token of money is used to bypass second-person interaction and reduce human interactions to a level of objectification, which in some sense decreases the humanity of everyone involved in the transaction.
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