دانلود رایگان مقاله لاتین فاکتور تاثیرگذار بر پاسخ به درمان ناباروری از سایت الزویر

عنوان فارسی مقاله:

عوامل تاثیرگذار بر پاسخ به درمان ناباروری: مورد ایران

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:

Factors Affecting Response to Infertility Treatment: Case of Iran

سال انتشار : 2015

برای دانلود رایگان مقاله فاکتور تاثیرگذار بر پاسخ به درمان ناباروری اینجا کلیک نمایید.

بخشی از مقاله انگلیسی:

2. Materials and Methods 

The records of all the patients who had undergone ovulation induction procedure at the Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Kerman, were investigated. In all the patients, ultrasound examination of the follicle size and endometrial thickness had been performed on the day 14 of the menstrual cycle and in patients with 2 or more than 2 follicles larger than or equal to 18 mm (in case of treatment with Clomiphene, Bromocriptine, Dexamethasone, or a combination of these drugs) and those with 2 or more than 2 follicles larger than or equal to 16 mm (in case of treatment with HMG) and endometrial thickness of 6 mm or more, HCG had been injected intramuscularly at a dose of 10,000 units; the patient's response to treatment was considered positive at this stage. A total of 220 out of 300 evaluated files compiled during the first 6 months of 2014 were flawless and the factors required for the purpose of this study were recorded. The data were estimated by Logit model. Logit model is used in cases in which the dependent variables appear in the form of a dichotomous choice. In logistic regression analysis, such as multivariate regression, coefficients of independent variables are estimated, but their functions are different. In multiple regressions analysis the sum of the least squares is used. This way, the sum of square differences between the actual and predicted values of the dependent variable will be minimal. The logistic model follows the logistic curve, so the curve is processed based on real data. Two values of ‘0’ and ‘1’ can be assigned to real data on the dependent variable based on the desired effect occurring or not occurring so that they are placed at the top or bottom of the related charts. The advantage of logistic regression is that to determine the values of ‘0’ and ‘1’ a notification of the occurrence of the phenomenon in question is sufficient. Using this model, the dependent variable was the response to treatment (0 and 1) and the independent variables included age of men and women, hirsutism, menstruation, galactose, the period of prevention and body mass index. After entering the data, the model output was analyzed using the software STATA. The functional basic form of the model is as follows.

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کلمات کلیدی:

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