دانلود رایگان مقاله لاتین طرح بندی مزارع انرژی موج اقیانوس از سایت الزویر
عنوان فارسی مقاله:
طرح بندی برای مزارع انرژی موج اقیانوس: مدل ها، خواص، و بهینه سازی
عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:
Layouts for Ocean Wave Energy Farms: Models, Properties, and Optimization
سال انتشار : 2017
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بخشی از مقاله انگلیسی:
4 Heuristic Algorithm
4.1 Structure of Near-Optimal Solutions In order to motivate our heuristic, we first explore the structure of optimal and near-optimal solutions. In what follows, if d is a distance, then we refer to kd as the non-dimensional distance. In the non-dimensional distance, the distance is normalized so that the unit of distance is one angular wavelength ň (ň = λ/2π). For example, if d = 1000m and k = 0.1 (so that λ = 62.8m and ň = 10), then kd = 100m = 10 angular wavelengths. We will also use the term non-dimensional layout to refer to a layout whose Cartesian coordinates have been scaled by k. For the problem with N = 2, Theorem 1 shows that the optimal non-dimensional distance between the two devices occurs at the smallest local optimizer (min or max) of the Bessel function J0(·) that is greater than the separation limit. For larger N, a similar feature seems to hold approximately: Figure 4 shows the best known non-dimensional layout (from Fitzgerald and Thomas (2007)) for the case of N = 5, with q ∗ = 2.777, assuming β = 0. The circles are centered at the WECs and have radius equal to jn (the nth Bessel optimizer) for particular integer values of n. Note that the pairwise non-dimensional distances among the WECs are very nearly equal to the Bessel optimizers. In particular, the non-dimensional distance from WEC 1 (located at the origin) to all other WECs equals j7. The non-dimensional distances between the remaining pairs of WECs are all very close to values in {j4, j7, j8, j10, j12}. Our preliminary results suggest that a similar property holds for near-optimal solutions for other values of N, as well. We use this intuition to develop a heuristic algorithm for wave farms with a general number N of devices.
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کلمات کلیدی:
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