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طراحی آنتن برای ورودی محیطی شبکه های حسگر متعدد عظیم
عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:
Antenna design for a massive multiple input environmental sensor network
سال انتشار : 2016
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مقدمه انگلیسی مقاله:
1. Introduction
HOSTED BYContents lists available atScienceDirectDigital Communications and Networksjournal homepage:www.elsevier.com/locate/dcanAntenna design for a massive multiple input environmental sensornetwork☆J. Craig Prather⁎,1, Michael Bolt, Haley Harrell, John Manobianco2, Mark L. AdamsDepartment of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 200 Broun Hall, Auburn University, AL 36849, United StatesARTICLE INFOKeywords:AntennaEnvironmental sensingRemote sensingMassive multiple input networkABSTRACTThis article describes the design and simulation of a pair of antennas on a small PCB with minimal coupling fora massive multiple input sensor network. The two antennas are planar inverted-F antennas (PIFA) that are fedwith microstrip feed lines. The critical design factors are minimizing mass while creating ISM band and GPS L1band antennas and developing data transmission schemes for maximum usage of all communication channels.The designed board is a 60 mm diameter, 0.6 mm thick circular FR4 board that weighs approximately 5 g.1. IntroductionCurrently, atmospheric researchers rely heavily on remote sensingtechnologies such as satellites to predict the weather; however, there isa tremendous need for additional in-situ measurements to improveweather models and create more accurate forecasts. Current in-situmeasurements for hurricane reconnaissance primarily rely on devicesknown as dropsondes. The dropsondes have a terminal velocity of11 m/s at sea level, and approximately 21 m/s at a 12 km altitude[1].For more quiescent conditions, weather balloons carrying radiosondes[2] are launched around the globe every day to measure the propertiesof the atmosphere. This article showcases the antenna design andapplication of a novel type of atmospheric sensor which our group isdeveloping as an alternative to these devices.The devices will be part of a new atmospheric monitoring systemknown as GlobalSense[3]. The system features an ensemble ofdisposable airborne drifters, called environmental motes or eMotes,as can be seen inFig. 1, that will be carried by wind currents much likenaturally occurring dandelion or maple seeds. The GlobalSense systeminnovation is based on the continuing trend for ubiquitous sensing[4,5],also known as the Internet-of-Things[6,7], where extremelylarge numbers of disposable, low-cost electronic devices measurevarious parameters and communicate that data in different formatsand frequencies for various applications.Once deployed from balloons or aircraft, eMotes will transmit lowpower signals in one of the industrial, scientific, and medical (ISM)radio bands to avoid expensive licensing requirements. Thefixed ormobile receiver platforms will contain hardware and software to gatherand process sensor and other data from multiple eMotes within rangeand store or retransmit the information to other locations. TheGlobalSense system has been designed to support up to 50,000eMotes operating simultaneously.The GlobalSense system could benefit a wide range of applicationswith sensitivity to atmospheric conditions including but certainly notlimited to energy, transportation, agriculture, construction, insurance,and tourism. The initial focus is on improving weather analysis andforecasting by greatly expanding the time and space density of criticalweather parameters such as temperature, pressure, wind velocity, andhumidity throughout as much of the relevant atmospheric volume aspossible.With the appropriate chemical sensors integrated on eMote plat-forms, the GlobalSense system could monitor air quality and green-house gases such as carbon dioxide and methane for global climatechange initiatives[8,9]. Even broader applications involve measuringparameters of interest for surveillance, reconnaissance, and relatedapplications. The modular and interoperable system design makes itrelatively straightforward to integrate other sensors that have theappropriate specifications.The current prototype eMotes have a mass around 7 g with aterminal velocity<5m/swhich provides greater dwell time in theatmosphere than typical environmental sensors. Thefinal design goalsare an eMote mass≤1 gand a terminal velocity on the order of 1 m/s
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کلمات کلیدی:
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