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شغل سازی و روابط آن با تناسب و شایستگی فرد: یک مطالعه سه موجی

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:

Job crafting and its relationships with person–job fit and meaningfulness: A three-wave study

سال انتشار : 2016

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بخشی از مقاله انگلیسی:

2. Method 

2.1. Procedure and participants Participants for this study were recruited from several companies in the Netherlands via email and telephone. Data was collected from a diverse population to increase the heterogeneity of the participants, which facilitates generalization of the research findings (Demerouti & Rispens, 2014). Employees were invited to participate through an e-mail that described the aims of the study and practical details, and that emphasized confidentiality. Employees interested to participate could reply via email. The study had a three-wave design with a one-week time lag between each wave. The link to one of the three online surveys was sent each Wednesday. Participants were asked to complete the survey at the end of their working week and received a reminder on Friday. In week 1, the survey was completed by 158 employees. In Week 2, the survey was completed by 140 employees; and in week 3, 132 employees filled in the survey. A total of 114 participants filled in all three surveys (78.5%). Regarding the sample Fig. 1. Research model. Controlled relationships are indicated with the dashed lines, hypothesized relationships are shown with the solid lines. Notes. DA = Demands– Abilities; NS = Needs–Supplies. T1 = Time 1; T2 = Time 2; T3 = Time 3. M. Tims et al. / Journal of Vocational Behavior 92 (2016) 44–53 47 characteristics, 68.9% was female, and the mean age of the sample was 39.85 years (SD = 14.05). Furthermore, 10.6% had completed primary/secondary education, 47% had completed vocational training, and 42.2% had finished a university or college degree. Participants worked for 8.72 years in their current organization (SD = 10.24). Although not all participants indicated their specific job position, those who did mainly worked as teachers (24.2%), service employees and consultants (33.3%), nurses (7.6%), and trainers (5.3%). 2.2. Measures Weekly job crafting behaviors were assessed using the 21-item Job Crafting Scale (Tims et al., 2012). The items were adapted to refer to weekly job crafting behaviors that employees had engaged in the previous week. The first dimension measures the crafting of structural job resources (five items, e.g., “This week, I tried to learn new things at work”). Cronbach’'s alphas ranged from .70 to .76 (M = .74) across the three weeks. The second dimension measures the crafting of social job resources (five items, e.g., “This week, I asked my colleagues for advice”). Cronbach’'s alphas ranged from .74 to .83 (M = .79) across the three weeks. The third dimension measures increases in challenging job demands (five items, e.g., “This week, I tried to start new projects at work when there was not much to do”). Cronbach’'s alphas ranged from .75 to .81 (M = .78) across the three weeks. The fourth dimension measures decreasing hindering job demands (six items, e.g., “This week, I organized my work such that I did not have to concentrate for too long a period at once”). Cronbach’'s alphas ranged from .74 to .84 (M = .80) across the three weeks. Participants responded on a five-point Likert scale ranging from 1 (never) to 5 (very often). Weekly person–job fit was divided into needs–supplies (NS) fit and demands–abilities (DA) fit (Cable & De Rue, 2002). The NS and DA fit scales were adapted to reflect weekly experienced fit. NS fit was measured with three items (e.g., “There is a good fit this week between what my job offers me and what I am looking for in a job”). Cronbach's alphas ranged from .92 to .94 (M = .93) across the three weeks. DA fit was also measured with three items (e.g., “My abilities and training are a good fit with the requirements of my job this week”). Cronbach's alphas ranged from .87 to .91 (M = .89) across the three weeks. Answers could be given on a five-point Likert scale, ranging from 1 (totally disagree) to 5 (totally agree).

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کلمات کلیدی:

[PDF]Job Crafting and Its Crossover between Colleagues - Innovatief in Werk www.innovatiefinwerk.nl/sites/...nl/.../masterthesis_ciliavanderven_def_juli_2014.pdf The present study examined the relationship between employees' goal orientation, transformational ... With job crafting employees adjust job characteristics to their needs and abilities in order to achieve ... from one person to another. To our ... Are managers also 'crafting leaders'? The link between organizational ... https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/ppb.2017.48.issue-2/ppb.../ppb-2017-0023.xml by MA Roczniewska - ‎2017 Jun 27, 2017 - Job crafting and its relationships with person-job fi t and meaningfulness: A three-wave study. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 92, 44-53. [PDF]Job crafting and age - University of Tilburg - Tilburg University arno.uvt.nl/show.cgi?fid=121282 Job crafting is the way in which employees actively shape their job and increase ... The fact that people shape their job to increase their person-job fit has ..... meta analysis about work-related motives a significant negative relationship between ... Frontiers | Job Crafting: Older Workers' Mechanism for Maintaining ... journal.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01548/full by CM Wong - ‎2017 Jump to Age-Related Changes in Person - Instead, he/she may job craft to assume only the responsibilities of a ... There is a negative relationship between age and fluid ... without the ability to redesign their jobs through job crafting.