دانلود رایگان مقاله لاتین شرط سازمانی مدیران خدمات شهری جنسیتی از سایت الزویر
عنوان فارسی مقاله:
تفاوت در پیش شرط های سازمانی برای مدیران در خدمات شهری جنسیتی
عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:
Differences in organizational preconditions for managers in genderized municipal services
سال انتشار : 2016
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بخشی از مقاله انگلیسی:
2. Contextualizing gender in organization studies
Gender scholars have, since the 1970s, argued for a structural approach to understand how gender is embedded in the very way work is organized (Acker, 1990, 1992, 1999, 2006; Britton, 2000; Kanter, 1977). They have argued that power and resources are distributed along gender lines in the on-going processes of constructing and conceptualizing organizational arrangements. Gendered organizations are, according to Acker’s definition (1990, p.146), not only a matter of bodily segregation and numbers; they also involve unequal allocations of rewards, status, power and control. Women and men tend to assemble in distinct occupations and sectors, and feminized (and probably, but not necessarily, female dominated) work activities and tasks tend to entail less recognition in terms of hierarchical position, wage and status (Ridgeway, 1997). A substantial body of research has asked for more contextualized focus in research on gender and work by exploring how gender is enacted in social contexts and thus also possible to change (Martin, 2011; Yoder & Kahn, 2003). These contexts are found in all levels of society where social interactions occur and social practices are developed. In her seminal work, Kanter (1977) investigated how the power relations that horizontally and vertically separate women and men are created and maintained in organizations. To Kanter, women’s organizational experiences are associated with disadvantageous positions in organizational structures, not with specific female behaviours or traits. This structural approach invited scholars to view gender as a central organizing feature of social life, an axis of power. Acker (1990) suggest that the gendering processes of organizations can be accessed from different analytical points of entry. One way is to expose how the mundane day-to-day procedures and activities that take place in organizations result in divisions along gender lines; women and men are, to a large extent, found in different sectors, positions and occupations, and the male domains are systematically better off in terms of reward, acknowledgement, status, power and control. While the lines that divide male and female work are relocated over time and in different places, the division is in itself robust. Another gendering process suggested by Acker is the on-going practice of creating and conceptualizing the organizational structure. For example, the bureaucratic way of organizing work has been criticized for building on values and practices that neglect women’s experiences (Acker, 1990; Ferguson, 1984; Ve, 1982; Wærness, 1984). Work with human beings – traditionally female activities – requires sensitivity to the situation and a considerable amount of flexibility. When care work became an object for organization in the public sphere, it was framed in instrumental, goal-oriented and standardized models of organization, in which the particularities of the rationality of caring were neglected (Wærness,1984). In the past decades, under the New Public Management, this frame has been accentuated (Hood, 1991; Pollitt & Bouckaert, 2011) and this may be one explanation to the increased work strain and work related psychosocial illness in the traditional female sectors (Aronsson and Gustafsson, 2005; Conley, Keerfoot & Thornley 2011; Rasmussen 2004; SWEA, 2014a,b). It has been suggested that the combination of decentralization of management accountability and the increased pressure to adapt to centralized targets and key indicators for result measurement has been particularly hazardous for equality initiatives since these cannot compete with the more forcing ‘hard’ performance targets (Conley et al., 2011). It is through the internal processes of organizations that gender inequalities are created, sustained and transformed, and the mesolevel of the organization thus comes to the fore as the other appropriate level of analysis. Because the focus of this paper is the organizational conditions for managerial work in the public sector, we will next specify which organizational factors are important for this specific population.
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