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تاثیر سیستم های یادگیری الکترونیکی بر تعهد کارکنان

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:

The effect of electronic learning systems on the employee's commitment

سال انتشار : 2016

برای دانلود رایگان مقاله سیستم یادگیری الکترونیکی اینجا کلیک نمایید.

بخشی از مقاله انگلیسی:

2. Literature review

 The Internet and web services as an information hub facilitate information and data transferring and sharing (Charband & Jafari Navimipour, 2016; Navimipour, Rahmani, Navin & Hosseinzadeh, 2015a; 2015b). Today's society emerged as a result of a transformation from an industrial era to a knowledge era, leaving room for the creation, collection, and use of knowledge (Gagnon, et al. 2015). The use of technology in education and organizations, commonly defined as e-learning, has become a standard component in many courses. Technology applications are not limited to the classroom e they are also placing some classroom sessions with virtual sessions or fully replacing classroom courses with online courses (Tîrziu & Vrabie, 2015). Distance learning and electronic learning has been a valuable alternative to classroom teaching for decades (Huang, Lin & Huang, 2012b). In the Canadian Council on Learning's recent report was stated that e-learning is “the development of knowledge and skills through the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs), particularly to support interactions for learning e interactions with content, with learning activities and tools, and with other people”(Tîrziu & Vrabie, 2015). Staff development and improving job status done through training is concerned as important parts of HRM in the third-millennium organizations (Fadaiyan, Reshadatjoo, Zahir & Golestanesh, 2015) and their management is an important challenge in any system and organization (Ashouraie, Jafari Navimipour, Ramage & Wong, 2015; Jafari Navimipour, Masoud Rahmani, Habibizad Navin & Hosseinzadeh, 2014). The development of a learning culture in an organization involves the continuous education of its members (Gagnon, et al. 2015). As learning professionals, we know the importance of learning on employee's commitment and turnover. Studies carried out by various researchers have highlighted the positive effect of training on various work-related outcomes for improving organizational performance and on the commitment level of employees (Dhar, 2015). Achieving employee commitment is essential (Lam, O'Donnell & Robertson, 2015) and the knowledge of the factors that influence employee's commitment in their electronic learning systems possibly provides teachers important information to design, develop, and finally distribute more effective distance learning courses. E-learning systems support the needs of the new workforce and drive employee's commitment in a number of ways: 168 B. Zareie, N. Jafari Navimipour / The International Journal of Management Education 14 (2016) 167e175 Learners Satisfaction: Numerous studies have found that the implementation of e-learning in its various forms can be expensive to an organization due to the relatively low adoption rate among users and this expenditure must be balanced with improved satisfaction (Cheok & Wong, 2015). According to previous studies on learner's satisfaction and the employee's commitment, technical characteristics of the learning system, educational content, and self-efficacy had a positive effect on learner's satisfaction (Hassanzadeh, Kanaani & Elahi, 2012; Ko & Ko, 2012; Rubin, Fernandes & Avgerinou, 2013; Roh, 2015). User satisfaction is defined as the sum of positive and negative responses to a set of factors (Najmul Islam, 2014). In addition, satisfaction is determined by users' subjective experience. An e-learning system can ensure effectiveness and efficiency but if users do not feel comfortable and emotionally positive in using it, the potential of the system wouldn't be fully taken advantage of (Grinberg & Hristova, 2012). Educational technology is the effective use of technological tools in learning. As a concept, it concerns an array of tools, such as media, machines and networking hardware's, as well as considering theoretical perspectives for their effective application(Richey, Silber & Ely, 2008). Education content is the quality of system output and measures semantic success (Hassanzadeh, Kanaani et al. 2012). Increased satisfaction leads to increased usage, reduced user complaints, and thus improved individual performance (Violante & Vezzetti, 2015) and employee's commitment. 24/7 Access to Training Materials: E-learning is gaining an educational foothold all over the world. The availability of electronic and web-enabling technologies has a tremendous influence on the success of e-learning (Gunasekaran, McNeil & Shaul, 2002). “Anytime anywhere” access is always appropriate and valued. Clearly, the collapse of time-space barriers is a boon to multinational corporations who struggle to deliver consistent training to a workforce scattered across countries and time zones (Seow, Hughes & Servage, 2005). Educators can add and revise materials as business needs or trends change and employees may contribute to content themselves. It all adds up to continuous learning and an empowered workforce. Personalized Learning: The necessity of life-long learning in the era of knowledge explosion together with the everincreasing bandwidth of Internet and continuously falling costs for memory bring about the rapid proliferation of massive open online courses (Lee, et al. 2014). People are looking for flexible learning to accommodate their needs for improvements. One option is through internet based learning or online learning. The Internet has provided people with unlimited access to information. Online learning enables lifelong learning to become more accessible (Dahalan, et al. 2012). Personalization is crucial to foster effective, active, efficient, and satisfactory learning, especially in informal learning scenarios that are being demanded in lifelong learning settings, with more control on the learner side and more sensitivity towards context (Henning, et al. 2014). Organizations can more easily tie learning goals to competencies, objectives, and priorities. Workforces have the flexibility to learn at their own pace and investigate other areas of interest easily. Efficiency: Efficient use of the e-learning system is related to the productivity, as work accomplished per unit time. For elearning, a measure of efficiency would be the time or number of clicks trainees need to access a lesson or obtain some information, or the time needed to acquire some competence (Grinberg & Hristova, 2012). Employees are the backbone of an organization. Hence, the retention of the employees is important in keeping the organization on track (Hong, Hao, Kumar, Ramendran & Kadiresan, 2012). A highly engaged employee will consistently deliver beyond expectations. Thus, employee commitment is critical to any organization that seeks to retain valued employees (Singh & Shukla, 2012). Affective commitment and retention within nonprofit human service organizations are important factors of success in public policy implementation for those citizens in greatest need (Toscano, 2015). Employees take note of awareness and prefer employers who take active measures to reduce their footprint. Decreased materials usage leads to decrease the costs and increase employees' retention

برای دانلود رایگان مقاله سیستم یادگیری الکترونیکی اینجا کلیک نمایید.

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