دانلود رایگان مقاله لاتین  سلسله مراتب مارک  مقصد از اثرات بین ابعاد ارزش برند از سایت الزویر

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بررسی سلسله مراتب مارک های مقصد و زنجیره ای از اثرات بین ابعاد ارزش برند

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:

Examining the hierarchy of destination brands and the chain of effects between brand equity dimensions

برای دانلود رایگان مقاله  سلسله مراتب مارک  مقصد از اثرات بین ابعاد ارزش برند اینجا کلیک نمایید.

بخشی از مقاله انگلیسی:

2. Literature review and research hypothesis 

2.1. Customer-based brand equity of a place 'Place branding' is becoming a focal area for marketers, with a growing number of academic works, particularly in the field of destination and tourism marketing (Kaplan, Yurt, Guneri, & Kurtulus, 2010). Thus far the topic has been partly covered by studies about destination image (Baloglu & McCleary, 1999; Pike & Ryan, 2004; San Martín & Rodríguez del Bosque, 2008) but place branding is a complex and extensive field of research and it cannot be limited only to destination image studies (Kaplan et al., 2010). The effectiveness of place brands can be measured by CBBE (Im, Kim, Ellio, & Han, 2012; Konecnik, & Gartner, 2007; Konecnik, 2006; Pike et al., 2010): a multidimensional construct initially proposed by Aaker (1996) and Keller (1993), initially in the field of goods and services but lately extended to territories. Despite its potential to be applied to tourist destinations, the study of brand equity has only recently attracted the attention of academic researchers (Boo et al., 2009), with relatively few works testing the CBBE model in relation to destination branding (Pike & Bianchi, 2013). According to Aaker (1991), CBBE can be defined as 'a set assets and liabilities linked to a brand, its name and symbol that add to or subtract from the value provided by a product to a firm and/or the firm´s customers'. In addition, four dimensions of CBBE are well established in the literature (Aaker, 1991, 1996; Konecnik, 2004): awareness, image, quality and loyalty. Brand awareness refers to the ability to recognize or recall that a brand is a member of a product category.Brand image consists of the beliefs and attitudes in relation to the perceived benefits of a brand. Brand quality is the judgment of the overall excellence or superiority of a brand relative to the alternatives in the market. Brand loyalty is considered the commitment of individuals with regards to a determined brand over time. In the context of tourist destinations, brand awareness can be conceived as the presence of a destination in the minds of people when a given travel context is considered; brand image represents the set of associations or impressions attached to the destination, composed of a variety of individual perceptions relating to several attributes of the destination; brand quality is concerned with perceptions of the way in which the destination attempts to meet tourists’ functional needs, a holistic judgment made on the basis of the excellence or overall superiority of the service (Bigné, Sánchez, & Sanz, 2005); and brand loyalty, which represents the core dimension of the CBBE concept (Aaker, 1996) and the main source of customer-based brand equity (Keller, 2003), is usually measured in tourism research by intention to return to the tourist destination and willingness to recommend it to other people (Chen & Myagmarsuren, 2010; Pike, 2007; Prayag, 2012).

برای دانلود رایگان مقاله  سلسله مراتب مارک  مقصد از اثرات بین ابعاد ارزش برند اینجا کلیک نمایید.

کلمات کلیدی:

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