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عنوان فارسی مقاله:
چشم انداز رئالیسم علمی در پیشرفت علمی در بازاریابی: تجزیه و تحلیل آزمایش نظریه در مجلات اصلی بازاریابی
عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:
A scientific realism perspective on scientific progress in marketing: An analysis of theory testing in marketing's major journals
سال انتشار : 2016
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بخشی از مقاله انگلیسی:
2. Reality, pluralism, and scientific progress
Given the variety of opinions on what constitutes science itself, much less scientific progress, any paper attempting to gauge that progress will be necessarily controversial. As indicated by this paper's title and introduction, our views are decidedly realist. However, we believe it important to acknowledge the diversity of perspectives about the nature of science and scientific progress, in particular by recognizing differences between the realist views that guide our analysis and non-realist views of science advocated by some researchers in marketing (Peters, Pressey, Vanharanta, & Johnston, 2013; Tadjewski, 2011) and management (Mir & Watson, 2001). 2.1. Views on the nature of reality A comprehensive review of the non-realist perspectives on science and scientific progress is beyond the scope of this paper, especially given the rich variations in their ontologies and epistemologies. Indeed, Lobler (2011 € , p. 53) categorizes much realist and non-realist thought into what he refers to as “streams of isms.” In these streams flow positivism, empiricism, interpretivism, constructivism, structuralism, relativism, postmodernism, poststructuralism, realism, social constructivism, and so forth. Lobler's € treatment of these isms is particularly useful in that it points out the major commonalities in the isms rather than focusing solely on the sometimes narrow differences that separate them. The four streams identified by Lobler (2011) € center primarily on differing views about the nature of reality and whether researchers can objectively evaluate that reality. Of the four streams of thought, only the first, which Lobler calls the € “object-oriented/objective stream,” sees reality as knowable, albeit imperfectly. According to Lobler, realism and other € “positivist” philosophies occupy this stream. In the object-oriented/objective stream, researchers investigate the objects of their research and attempt to uncover characteristics of these objects that will ultimately yield regularities, lawlike generalizations, and scientific laws (Hunt, 1991). Science in the object-oriented/objective stream progresses as knowledge about the nature of objects grows through the development and testing of theories and then the independent replication of those tests.
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کلمات کلیدی:
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