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همبستگی نابرابر؟ به سمت یک رویکرد انتقادی هنجاری برای منطق رفاه

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:

Unequal solidarity? Towards a norm-critical approach to welfare logics

سال انتشار : 2016

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بخشی از مقاله انگلیسی:

4. Findings 

4.1. Difference and “equality as sameness” In our analysis of the stories on difference in Fastfood, a clear pattern emerges around perceptions of difference. More than half of the stories (44 stories) include generalizations about specific ethnic characteristics that are overtly positive (23 manager and 11 crew stories) or negative (10 crew stories). 10 manager and 31 crew stories link differences to more broadly defined characteristics, such as differences in personalities and interests, or physical/ mental handicaps. These stories demonstrate how the bulk of managers associate difference with ethnic differences, while most of the crew members have a broader perception of “difference”. 4.1.1. Difference as the exotic other The equality as sameness logic emerges in the positive managerial stories, which often describe minority employees as picture-perfect and link their efforts to their assumed struggle to become “just like us”. An example is a manager’s story entitled “Smiling sunbeam”, which is about a Vietnamese employee. The manager compliments the employee because he eventually adopts “a Danish way of life and is the perfect employee”. A similar manager story is “The happy Somalian”, in which the focal employee is eventually appreciated by his colleagues as he manages to learn “Danish workplace values, like arriving on time. He has become part of the social community and participates in spare-time activities, such as playing soccer and Facebook – just like the other colleagues”. When it comes to stories written by crew members, roughly half (28) link differences to non-ethnic characteristics. Typical examples are stories like “We help each other”, “We are all different”, and “Customer complaints and our different reactions”. They all include a discussion of how crew members’ different personalities benefit collaboration and socializing. The other half (22 stories) explicitly link differences to stories of ethnic-minority colleagues. Of this latter group, 11 stories are positive. Like the managers’ stories, they attach certain assumed “ethnic” characteristics to minority colleagues. These include being exceptionally happy and entertaining, which is a characteristic found in stories like “Singing and dancing in the kitchen” and “The Thai dance”: I was carrying trays to the backroom. There, I met Dang, who was beating two red clamps while dancing in a funny way. He said: “This is how we dance in Thailand.” Things like this give a lot of positive energy and make me laugh

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