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عنوان فارسی مقاله:

یادگیری از روش OR ترکیبی: مطالعه مورد NINES

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:

Learning from mixed OR method practice: The NINES case study

سال انتشار : 2017

برای دانلود رایگان مقاله روش or ترکیبی بررسی nines اینجا کلیک نمایید.

بخشی از مقاله انگلیسی:

3. Case evaluation using mixed method themes Research

 data was generated from a variety of sources enabling triangulation [12] to occur. During the workshops, members of the academic team acted as observers, taking detailed notes of the process and recording the participants' comments partly to ensure that insights gained from the workshops could be fed into the second phase of the project (content and modelling oriented) and partly to learn from the process of adopting and integrating the approaches (research and process oriented). In the spirit of Action Research [17] detailed design notes were developed in advance of the workshop providing the basis for comparison between intended and realised activity [5]. Alongside the researcher based notes, there was rich data available from the models created during the workshops and the analysis of this material [15]. In addition, the software used to support the facilitation of the workshops kept detailed records – a second by second log – of the material being captured including who generated the material, number of times it was amended etc. The researchers’ also kept detailed notes during the development of the decision tree including recording conversations with staff from SHEPD who were involved in the construction of the decision tree. Interviews were also carried out with 17 participants following the workshops and 2 NINES project managers from SHEPD who had participated in both stages of the modelling process. These final 2 interviews specifically focussed on understanding the client viewpoints with respect to the modelling approach adopted by the researchers'. The areas of discussion covered in these two interviews are shown in Appendix A. This data was examined using the 5 themes identified by Howick and Ackermann [23] based on their review of the mixed method literature. As noted in Section 1, these themes comprised: (i) nature of the modelling intervention, (ii) how the methods have been mixed, (iii) rationale for mixing methods, (iv) the use of multiple facilitators/modellers, (v) client value. For each of the themes, each data set was trawled identifying potential contributions/explanations for the particular theme (a form of content analysis using a priori codes [29]). The Decision Explorer software was used to structure the contributions and consider how they related to one another. An example of an extract from the model that was built during the evaluation process is included in Appendix B. Once this activity was completed, the data was reviewed to determine whether anything had been missed (i.e. were the themes comprehensive) and also whether the themes were sufficiently populated to stand on their own. This process was supported through clustering the contributions contained in each of the themes to highlight emergent sub-themes within each of the main themes. Whilst the themes appeared to have captured the key points emanating from the data sets, the themes of ‘rationale for mixing methods’ and ‘how the methods have been mixed’ appeared to contain much of the same material suggesting that these were not individual themes. It was decided that these should be combined under a single theme representing the ‘Design and Implementation of the Intervention’. In addition, it was felt that the ‘nature of the modelling intervention’ theme resulted in context information that mainly led to lessons arising in one of the other themes. Three themes were therefore used to structure the evaluation; Design and Implementation of the Intervention, Modelling team – use of multiple modellers/facilitators and Client value.

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