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تحقیق راجع به حبس لحظات در طول زمان: به سوی درک درستی از ثبات در تغییر
عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:
Inquiring into arresting moments over time: Towards an understanding of stability within change
سال انتشار : 2016
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بخشی از مقاله انگلیسی:
4. Research methodology
4.1. Process ontology This research project resonates with process ontology which “directs attention towards a world in a continuous state of flow” (Hernes, 2014; p. 1) and implies a focus on “things in the making” rather than on how something is or has been at a specific point in time since it never “is” in a fixed way (Helin, Hernes, Hjorth, & Holt, 2014). This ontology calls for research methods that allow the researcher to “experience reality directly” by being positioned “at the center of an unfolding phenomenon” in order to grasp processes of becoming (Tsoukas & Chia, 2002). Based on this process ontology, the living conversations and relationships between people are important arenas of study (Cunliffe, Helin, & Luhman, 2014). In particular, what happens “inbetween” people in specific moments and in specific places, and what is created when a particular person says this particular thing, or raises this particular question, is favored rather than attempting to make the conversations look objective and distanced. 4.2. The empirical context The empirical material of the research stems from a collaborative study that was initiated in 1998 and is still on-going. The study is carried out in the context of a medium-sized road transportation services company, BI (a pseudonym). BI was founded in 1957 and the current CEO, Marjorie Thomas (a pseudonym), is the founder’s daughter. Marjorie joined BI in 1983 and she has been the CEO since 1991. Marjorie and Catherine metin February 1998 at a conference for top managers on the topic of “Management and Complexity.” At this conference, Marjorie presented how she had designed and implemented a new management system for her company to deal with business complexity. Later, Catherine presented a conceptualization of a generic way of strategizing that is adapted to business complexity. As they were listening to each other’s presentations, they became interested in continuing the conversations. Marjorie explained that she kept experimenting with various unconventional ways of doing strategy and she offered Catherine an opportunity to study these in vivo experiments and to help her to reflect on the management practices at BI. Catherine saw this as a wonderful opportunity for carrying out studies with Marjorie and her employees. That is how their relationship started in 1998 and is still on-going.
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