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اثرات وابستگی شبکه به شناخت فرصت: یک مدل واسطه مدون کسب دانش و جهت گیری کارآفرینی

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:

The effects of network reliance on opportunity recognition: A moderated mediation model of knowledge acquisition and entrepreneurial orientation

سال انتشار : 2017

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بخشی از مقاله انگلیسی:

2. Theoretical background and hypotheses

We propose a novel integrated model of entrepreneurship, which jointly examines knowledge acquisition as a mediator between network reliance and opportunity recognition, and introduces entrepreneurial orientation as a moderator. We simply refer to this as a moderated mediation model in this study. All the underlying hypotheses are shown in Fig. 1. 2.1. Network reliance Entrepreneurs rely on social networks to acquire strategic resources including useful knowledge and business information. A social network is defined as the sum of the links between actors among individuals and organizations (Brass, 1992). In the field of entrepreneurship, an entrepreneur's networks are usually described as all the relationships established for exchanging business resources (Dodd and Patra, 2002). The entrepreneurship literature has emphasized the effect of social networking as a key determinant of entrepreneurial performance (Aldrich et al., 1987; Hoang and Antoncic, 2003). Social networks have long been considered an important predictor of business success (Johannisson, 1990). According to meta-analysis results, an entrepreneur's social network is positively associated with small firm performance (Stam et al., 2014). Scholars have generally accepted the importance of social networking with respect to recognizing opportunities (Hills et al., 1997; Ma et al., 2011; Ramos-Rodríguez et al., 2010). For example, Hills et al. (1997) reported that entrepreneurs who sought opportunities through their networks discovered more opportunities than those who explored them on their own. Singh et al. (1999a) confirmed similar results in their empirical study. They indicated that an entrepreneur's network is positively associated with idea identification and opportunity recognition. This means that entrepreneurs who actively interact with their networks acquire additional insights for business growth. In other words, the more information entrepreneurs get from their networks, the more they want to connect with them, and vice versa. Researchers have investigated the relational aspect of social capital for exchanging resources between strong and weak ties. Some scholars argue that weak ties enable entrepreneurs to access more novel information while others stress the benefits of strong ties in the attainment of vital resources (Batjargal, 2003; Granovetter, 1973). Similarly, weak ties may be in line with network breadth; by contrast, strong ties are associated with network depth. Network breadth refers to the number of networks needed for firms to innovate, which necessitates the seeking of various types of knowledge. Network depth refers to the importance of information sources; hence, researchers have used it to measure the qualitative aspects of networking (Boh et al., 2014; Laursen and Salter, 2006).

برای دانلود رایگان مقاله جهت گیری کارآفرینی اینجا کلیک نمایید.

کلمات کلیدی:

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