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عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:

Prestress losses of double-tee girders cast with lightweight self-consolidating concrete

سال انتشار : 2016

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مقدمه انگلیسی مقاله:

1. Introduction

Pretensioned concrete members are widely used in the construction of buildings, parking garages, and bridges. Prestress losses occur throughout the life of pretensioned concrete members, and have significant impact on the design for long-term effects [1–4]. In the design period, structural engineers rely on the existing empirical formulas to calculate prestress losses. The variability in predicting prestress losses directly causes the inaccuracy in estimating the camber and long-term deflection of pretensioned concrete members. At erection, the under- or overestimation of camber increases the possibility of construction-related problems, which increases the construction cost, delays the project, or affects the structural performance. The inaccuracy in predicting the long-term deflection reduces the riding quality if the deflection is over-estimated, or rises the public concern and affects the structural durability if the deflection is underestimated. The use of self-consolidating concrete (SCC) for pretensioned concrete members is advantageous when compared to conventional or vibrated concrete. The fresh SCC has high flowability and deformability, so it can flow through narrow regions and fill the formwork by its self-weight without segregation or bleeding. This feature particularly benefits at the anchorage zone of pretensioned concrete members that normally contain congested reinforcement, or thin elements like double-tee girders that are widely used in the United States [5]. The use of lightweight aggregates in SCC offers further advantages for the concrete technology [6–8]. First, the use of lightweight concrete can reduce the self-weight of structures up to 20%, which decreases the dimensions of concrete members and vertical load on foundations [6,9]. Second, internal curing techniques can be employed for lightweight concrete to enhance the durability and resilience of concrete structures [10–14]. In summary, the use of lightweight SCC not only furthers the advantages of SCC but also improves the long-term performance for pretensioned concrete members. The use of lightweight SCC in pretensioned concrete members may present several challenges. First, lightweight SCC contains a high volume of paste, which may increase concrete shrinkage and affect time-dependent losses [15]. The high flowability of lightweight SCC may also reduce the concrete stiffness at the interface of prestressing strands and concrete, which consequently weakens the bond between the two materials [15–23]. Second, the reduced stiffness of lightweight aggregates decreases concrete stiffness,

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کلمات کلیدی:

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