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عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:

Power and discourse in the politics of evidence in sport for development

سال انتشار : 2015

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بخشی از مقاله انگلیسی:

3. Power dynamics, vested interest groups and the construction of the ‘lack of evidence’ discourse

 The interrogation of the lack of evidence discourse also reveals it to be a centralising construct that locates evidence as part of strategic management accountability where individual actors become subject to a ‘centralised control over strategy and policy’ (Hogget, 1996, p.9). A subsequent problem of this process concerns the extent to which the emergence of such a centrally-located discourse constrains or stimulates progress in the field. In short the question is whether some approaches to evidence are privileged over others and the extent to which they really capture what is taking place within real life settings? 3.1. A Foucauldian lens To make sense of how certain forms of knowledge are considered legitimate, when others are not (Nicholls et al., 2010), the ideas of Foucault (1972) are used as thinking tools in order to consider how power in the process of M&E enables and/or constrains the privileging and legitimising of particular knowledge. Particularly influenced by Nietzsche, Foucault argued that people did not ‘have’ power implicitly but that power is an action which individuals can engage in (Barth, 1998; Foucault, 1973, 1982; Ransom, 1997). He contended that power cannot be possessed, but it can be exercised and when exercised, typically, its impact will provoke a resistance. Certainly Nicholls et al. (2010) highlight the devaluing of voices and the production of resistance, arguing that ‘central to Foucauldian theory is an examination of the influence of power on knowledge production and the ways in which relations of power shape the production, marginalisation or valorisation of different forms of knowledge’ (2010, p. 4). Discourses then, such as the lack of evidence discourse, legitimise certain regimes of truth, meaning and knowledge. Dennison and Scott-Thomas (2011, p. 29) argue that discourse is ‘a consistent set of ideas that people use to navigate social life and make sense of their experiences [and includes] the unwritten rules that guide social practices, produce and regulate the production of statements and shape what can be perceived and understood’. Acceptable forms of evidence, and approaches to generating that evidence, may therefore be shaped by discursive formations that are underpinned by those who regulate what is acceptable in evaluation practice. Foucault however, opposed to structuralist accounts, argued that it is illogical to assume that power will somehow be possessed by certain people and not held, in any way, by others. Instead, Foucault argued that power is something which can be deployed by particular people in specific situations, which itself will produce other reactions and resistances and is not tied to specific groups or identities (Danaher, Schirato, & Webb, 2000; Ransom, 1997). Thus in a Foucauldian sense, power is everywhere, and is derived from people’s empowerment or disempowerment by, and through, the groups to which they belong. It follows therefore that the lack of evidence discourse itself, entails a series of discourses that reflect and embody the varying interest groups and power dynamics involved in M&E. To be sure, discourses do not act in isolation, but interact and intersect with each other creating further constructions that enable power to be used in different ways (Mwaanga, 2011).

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کلمات کلیدی:

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