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عنوان فارسی مقاله:

انگیزه CSR و رفتار نقش بزرگ مشتری: تعدیل هویت سازمانی اخلاقی

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:

CSR motivation and customer extra-role behavior: Moderation of ethical corporate identity

سال انتشار : 2016

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بخشی از مقاله انگلیسی:

2. Emerging markets and CSR 

Although CSR has acquired increasing significance in developed countries, it is hardly a new concept for emerging markets (Preuss & Barkemeyer, 2011). TheMasterCard Ethical Shopping Survey (2015) proves that even at the product level, over 70% of emerging countries' consumers, such as those in Indonesia, China, Malaysia, and Thailand, choose brands that are socially responsible. The financial and economic structure of industrialized countries pressure emerging markets and their players to adopt CSR activities as a strategy against their multinational competitors (Baskin, 2006). While consumers highly appreciate global organizations' CSR acts, they also expect the similar attempts from their local counterparts. This fact makes CSR a part of the competitive structure and a strategic tool for corporate brand positioning (Doukakis, Kapardis, & Katsioloudes, 2005). Brenes, Montoya, and Ciravegna (2014) delineate a CSR activity as an indicator of management quality that signals a corporate brand's differentiated position in emerging markets. The literature on CSR strongly emphasizes that consumers reward companies that engage in CSR activities through positive evaluations as well as higher intent to purchase their products (Sen & Bhattacharya, 2001). CSR also facilitates to the recovery of corporate credibility during product and company crises (Lin, Chen, Chiu, & Lee, 2011), resilience to negative information, easy market data collection and the establishment of beneficial relationships with customers (Ahearne, Bhattacharya, & Gruen, 2005). Companies' CSR engagement affects consumers' perceptions of those firms in terms of being altruistic, which then leads to more favorable attitudes toward them (Nan & Heo, 2007). As a result, consumers become more likely to work for the benefit of such companies (Groth, 2005). At times when consumers are keen on learning about firms' societal practices and achievements, CSR activities become the most valuable asset of a firm (Peloza, Loock, Cerruti, & Muyot, 2012), one that nurtures the corporate brand. Therefore, it is imperative to understand what causes different reactions to corporate brands that engage in CSR. Moreover, emerging markets may provide a rich context for investigating the link between CSR initiatives and consumer behavior toward corporate brands. Relying on United Nations Developments Program and World Bank reports, Visser (2008) states that although the distribution of wealth is unequal in emerging markets, GDP per capita is relatively higher than in the rest of developing countries, thus leading to dramatic differences in social structure (Hah & Freeman, 2014). Concordantly, emerging markets present a distinctive CSR agenda, which has become native, indigenized and also changeable by local cultural norms and corporate traditions (Visser, 2008).

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کلمات کلیدی:

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