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یک مطالعه در مورد تاثیر تاخیر خدمات مسافرت هوایی در واکنش های عاطفی و رفتار مشتری
عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:
A study on the impact of airline service delays on emotional reactions and customer behavior
سال انتشار : 2016
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بخشی از مقاله انگلیسی:
2. Theoretical background
2.1. Service delay and emotional responses This study defines a service delay as the amount of time that customers are required to wait through when airlines provide an air transport service. This definition is intended to limit the concept of waiting time to the amount of time that customers are required to wait for an airline service while also leaving room for an analysis of the waiting time that incorporates each step of the air service process that might cause the waiting time to increase. Taylor (1994) defined waiting time as the time from when customers are ready to have a service to the time when the service actually starts being provided. Hence, the customers are in a state of readiness as they wait for the service. This is not a pleasurable wait for customers. However, there are many reasons for delays. Waiting times can occur when all types of services are about to be provided. A series of procedures is required for customers to have a certain service. Airline passengers tend to experience waiting times when encountering a series of service procedures. For example, a certain amount of time is needed for customers to wait when they try to book a flight. In addition, they need to stand by when being issued a flight ticket at the airport, or when checking in luggage after receiving tickets, or even when about to board the flight. Furthermore, they tend to experience waiting times when they request in- flight services, pick up their luggage after arriving at a destination, and accumulate flight mileage. Hereupon, they interact with a number of service suppliers in diverse service encounters, and they experience numerous stand-by moments. Waiting times are inevitable according to the characteristics of the services being offered. Accordingly, service providers find it difficult to solve these issues. When experiencing a service failure, people tend to have an immediate emotional response. For example, precedence factors such as a flight arrival delay, an unfair product payment charge, boredom during a wait, and the conceiving of discount prices for customers all cause immediate negative emotions for customers. Negative emotions are configuring concepts that have received a great deal of attention from numerous researchers in marketingrelated fields. Recent studies dealing with the satisfaction or dissatisfaction of consumers have emphasized the role of emotional responses with respect to consumption experiences. An increasing number of studies have striven to demonstrate that negative emotions serve to influence satisfaction and/or dissatisfaction (Sohn, 2005; Van Vaerenbergh et al., 2014). Waiting times have diversely been described by terms such as displeasure, uncertainty, disappointment, disgust, the chilling effect, pain, and desire (Katz et al., 1991). In addition, many studies have revealed that waiting times were closely related to negative emotions (Houston et al., 1998; Baker and Cameron, 1996; Hui and Tse, 1996).
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کلمات کلیدی:
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