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بازده سود چند خروجی و توابع فاصله جهت دار 

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:

Multi-output profit efficiency and directional distance functions

سال انتشار :2016

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بخشی از مقاله انگلیسی:

4. Shadow prices and duality 

In the previous section, we have assumed that the empirical analyst knows the netput price vector Pt for every DMU t. In practical applications, however, reliable price information is often not available. In such a case, we can conduct efficiency analysis with endogenously defined shadow prices. In what follows, we will apply this shadow pricing idea to the multi-output profit efficiency framework set out above. Next, we will show that the resulting profit inefficiency measure (under shadow prices) has a dually equivalent representation as a multi-output directional distance function, which establishes a multi-output version of the original duality result in [7]. Shadow prices: If we do not observe the true prices that apply to each DMU t, the relevant data set becomes bS ¼ fðZ1 t ; …; ZM t Þ∣t ¼ 1; …; Tg: When only bS (instead of S) is given, we are forced to use a weakened version of the efficiency criterion in Definition 1. Specifically, we can (only) check whether there exists at least one feasible “shadow” price specification that supports profit efficiency of the evaluated DMU t. Definition 2 (Shadow profit efficiency). Let bS ¼ fðZ1 t ; …; ZM t Þ∣t ¼ 1; …; Tg be a data set. Then, DMU t is shadow profit efficient if there exist, for each output m, non-zero output-specific shadow price vectors Pbm t ¼ bp m y;t b P m x;t " #AR1þN þ such that Pbm0 t Zm t ZPbm0 t Zm s for all observations s ¼ 1; …; T. In this case, we can choose the shadow price vector Pbm t freely (except from the non-zero and non-negativity constraints). Implicitly, the shadow prices ðPbm x;tÞk for the joint inputs k define the (aggregate) DMU prices ðPbx;tÞk ¼ PM m ¼ 1 ðPbx;tÞk. Next, we note that shadow prices for the output-specific inputs can be different for different outputs, i.e. for output-specific inputs k we can have ðPbm x;tÞkaðPbm0 x;tÞk when mam0 .

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کلمات کلیدی:

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