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عنوان فارسی مقاله:

بازده سوخت و انتشار در بخش حمل و نقل جاده چینی: اثر منجر شده و اثر بازپرداخت

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:

Fuel efficiency and emission in China's road transport sector: Induced effect and rebound effect

سال انتشار : 2016

برای دانلود رایگان مقاله انتشار بخش حمل و نقل جاده اینجا کلیک نمایید.

بخشی از مقاله انگلیسی:

3. Material and methods 

The modeling in this paper consists of two parts, the first part is construction of the base models, by setting the corresponding assumptions to correlate the influence relationship between variables and establish the elasticity measurement and calculation models of the induced effects and rebound effects; the second part is construction of the economy model, that is, take into account the practical factors that exist in reality, to amend the base models. 3.1. Base model By constructing a simultaneous equations system of the road traffic turnover, the number of vehicles, fuel efficiency and exhaust emissions, we motivate our empirical specification and formalize the relationship among them. We use these relationships to analysis the induced effect and rebound effect and the price elasticity. In the specification of the road traffic system, we apply the model by Small and Dender (2007a) for a extension. Firstly, the road traffic turnover includes not only the number of transportation objects, but also the transportation distance, which reflect the outcome of road traffic comprehensively, we assume that the road traffic turnover is mainly affected by the number of vehicles, unit mileage driving costs and the attainable road mileage. Secondly, the number of vehicles refers to the number vehicles owned in a region, and it generally refers to locally registered vehicles, and that in recent years, vehicle ownership in China is growing exponentially. We assume that the number of vehicles is affected by the income level, new vehicle prices, unit mileage driving cost and other factors. Thirdly, fuel efficiency refers to the ratio of distance traveled per unit of fuel consumed, the higher the vehicle fuel efficiency is, the lower the vehicle fuel consumption per kilometer will be. In addition, fuel efficiency calculated as road transportation turnover divide by road traffic fuel consumption C, and indicated as E = M/C. We assume that fuel efficiency is a function of road traffic turnover, fuel prices, fuel management policy and other factors; motor vehicle exhaust contains large amounts of harmful substances, including vehicle carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, vehicle hydrocarbons and solid suspended solid particles, etc. Finally, we assume that the turnover of exhaust emissions is mainly affected by road traffic turnover, fuel efficiency and fuel management policy and other exogenous factors. In addition, to simplify the consideration, we assume that the driving cost per kilometer is equivalent to the ratio of fuel price to fuel efficiency. The base models in simultaneous equations system are as follows: M ¼ M Vð Þ ; PM; K; XM V ¼ V Mð Þ ; PV ; PM; XV E ¼ E Mð Þ ; P F ; RE; XE VE ¼ VE Mð Þ ; E; RE; XVE ð1Þ In the above formula, M represents the road traffic turnover, V represents the vehicle population per capita, E represents the average fuel efficiency of vehicles, VE represents road traffic exhaust emission turnover; PV represents the new vehicle price index; PF represents the fuel price; PM = PF/E and it represents the per-mile fuel cost; RE represents road traffic fuel management policies and regulations; K represents road mileage, XM, XE, XV and XVE represent other exogenous factors.

برای دانلود رایگان مقاله انتشار بخش حمل و نقل جاده اینجا کلیک نمایید.

کلمات کلیدی:

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