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اقتصاد به اشتراک گذاری: دوست یا دشمن مدل کسب و کار شما؟

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:

The sharing economy: Your business model’s friend or foe?

سال انتشار : 2016

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بخشی از مقاله انگلیسی:

2.2. A rising shift in values 

‘‘It is the preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that prevents us from living freely and nobly.’’ — Bertrand Russell (Stephany, 2015, p. 26) Historically, ownership has been proclaimed as the normative ideal among consumption modes, as it not only provides security but also has been perceived to be cheaper in terms of capital accumulation. Nevertheless, now the stigmatization of sharing as an inferior option has experienced a shift in the sociocultural politics of consumption (Bardhi & Eckhardt, 2012). People do not find ownership central to their identities; most things valued by people today are not necessarily physical but rather ‘virtual’ in nature, such as knowledge or reputation (Garcia, 2013). Due to the confluence of the economic, housing, and banking crises,the increase in maintenance costs of ownership over time–—as well as the uncertainties in labor markets and social relationships–—renders the popularity of ownership less attainable and more precarious (Cheshire, Walters, & Rosenblatt, 2010). This trend is also mirrored in the latest consumption studies. If owning and sharing are both perceived as providing equivalent product benefits when seen as substitutes, consumers nowadays opt for sharing rather than possessing (Hennig-Thurau, Henning, & Sattler, 2007). ‘You are what you own’ thus often renders ‘you are what you share,’ indicating a shift in values among consumers; this is particularly true when comparing the attitudes of baby boomers to those of generation X and upward. A longitudinal study among U.S. high school pupils, for instance, revealed a major shift in moral concepts that turned from a central interest in tangible goods toward more care for others (Rifkin, 2014). Whereas in 1994 cars were most frequently associated with a means to communicate status and personal success, luxury, and independence, people in 2014 were much more critical and rational about it. As such, they equated cars with time gains, a simple means of transportation, high costs, and environmental pollution (see Europa Automobilbarometer, 2014). With the change in society from a traditional, long-term life strategy to a more liquid and adaptable lifestyle, the traditional ethos on how to consume has also evolved. Consumers increasingly prefer a more transient mode of consumption, enabling the integration of flexibility and adaptability in their daily life. Consequently, possession is progressively being seen as a constraint to mobility (Schaefers, Lawson, & Kukar-Kinney, in press).

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کلمات کلیدی:

[PDF]The "sharing economy" and Financial Services: friend or foe? https://www.rolandberger.com/.../roland_berger_tab_the_sharing_economy_and_fina... Nov 5, 2015 - We see two reasons why this is the case. First, because of the small overall size, it is difficult to set- up and scale-up a viable business model. [PDF]Amazon: Friend or Foe - L.E.K. Consulting https://www.lek.com/sites/default/files/LEK_1638_Amazon_Web.pdf Amazon: Friend or Foe? was written by Jon Weber, a managing director in L.E.K. ... Only then can companies turn .... In short, there are different business models. Even: Friend or Foe - FinXTech https://finxtech.com/2016/07/04/even-friend-foe/ Jul 4, 2016 - His company started on the basis of wanting to help those in poverty from ... to overspend, and for Even, this could be a business model killer. Spotify: Friend or Foe? | The New Yorker www.newyorker.com/magazine/2014/11/24/revenue-streams Nov 24, 2014 - Great consumer product, not a great business model. But you can't beat technology. Technology always wins. But what if you can make a better ...