دانلود رایگان مقاله لاتین ارتباطات مارکتینگ موثر با شبکه  اجتماعی از سایت الزویر

عنوان فارسی مقاله:

ارتباطات بازاریابی موثر از طریق سایت های شبکه های اجتماعی: نقش مدرن روابط اجتماعی

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:

Effective marketing communication via social networking site: The moderating role of the social tie

سال انتشار : 2016

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بخشی از مقاله انگلیسی:

4. Results

 4.1. Manipulation check and reliability The t-test for interactivity of advertising messages demonstrates that participants in different message-format conditions have different degrees of perceived message interactivity. Participants in the interactive advertising conditions rate interactivity higher (Study 1: M = 4.31; Study 2: M = 4.12) than participants in the non-interactive condition do (Study 1: M = 2.27; Study 2: M = 2.09), with t-values of 24.36 and 21.39, respectively. The tie-strength manipulation check for Study 2 shows significant differences between strong ties (M = 4.42) and weak ties (M = 2.38), with t-value significantly below 0.01. Thus, the manipulation check confirms that the study successfully manipulated research stimuli in the experiment. Both measurements of dependent variables possess appropriate reliability. Cronbach's α for attitude toward the advertising message is .91 for Study 1 and .90 for Study 2; message-sharing intention is .89 for Study 1 and .87 for Study 2. 4.2. Hypotheses test 4.2.1. Study 1 Participants rate attitude toward the advertising message higher (M = 3.70, SE = .68) when the advertising they receive is interactive vs. non-interactive (M = 3.54, SE = .69), F (1, 100) = 5.34, p b 0.05. Consistent with the study's prediction, intention to share advertising is significantly higher in the interactive advertising group (M = 3.44, SE = .93) than in the non-interactive advertising group (M = 3.13, SE = .89), F (1, 100) = 3.96, p b 0.05. Thus, the results support H1a and H1b regarding the main effect of advertising type on communication effectiveness. 4.2.2. Study 2 Whereas Study 1 examines the effect of advertising type on advertising effectiveness, Study 2 examines the moderating role of tie strength and advertising literacy. Results show a significant interaction effect of tie strength on the relationship between advertising type and attitude toward advertising, F (1, 246) = 11.15, p b 0.01. This result indicates that the interactivity of advertising affects more the attitude toward the advertising when a weak tie delivers the message; however, attitude toward the advertising remains steady across different advertising types when a strong tie delivers the message. Participants receiving non-interactive advertising from a weak-tie friend have a lower attitude toward the advertisement than participants receiving the ad from a strong-tie friend (see Fig. 2). In contrast, interactive advertising coming from a weak-tie friend results in a higher attitude than if coming from a strong-tie friend. Thus, the results support H2a. Consistent with H2a, the interacting effect between tie strength and advertising literacy on attitude toward advertising is significant, F (1, 246) = 6.28, p b 0.05. Fig. 3 indicates that participants in the strong-tie condition maintain a similar degree of attitude toward the advertising regardless of their advertising literacy, and that the advertisement's effect is higher than for participants with high advertising literacy receiving the message from a weak tie. Thus, the results support H3a. The moderating effect on message-sharing intention is not signifi- cant (message format × tie strength: F (1, 246) = 2.13, p N 0.05). Thus, the results do not support H2b. Social tie and advertising literacy have a moderating effect on consumers' intention to share an advertising message, F (1, 246) = 4.78, p b 0.05 (see Fig. 4). For participants in low advertising literacy groups, those in a weak-tie condition have equivalent degrees of message-sharing intention (M = 3.82) as those in a strong-tie condition (M = 3.81). In contrast, participants with higher advertising literacy have lower intention to share the advertising message; specifically, participants in a weak-tie condition show a greater decline in message-sharing intention (M = 2.61) than those in the strong-tie condition (M = 3.43). Thus, the results support H3b.

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