دانلود رایگان مقاله لاتین کاربرد روش سیستماتیک برای بررسی ارتباطات بازاریابی اینترنتی در صنعت هتلداری از سایت الزویر

عنوان فارسی مقاله:

استفاده از رویکرد سیستماتیک برای ارزیابی ارتباطات بازاریابی اینترنتی در صنعت مهمان نوازی

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:

Using a systemic approach to assess Internet marketing communication within hospitality industry

سال انتشار : 2016

برای دانلود رایگان مقاله کاربرد روش سیستماتیک برای بررسی ارتباطات بازاریابی اینترنتی در صنعت هتلداری اینجا کلیک نمایید.

بخشی از مقاله انگلیسی:

5. Using a systemic model to identify insufficiencies in online communication of a hospitality facility – case study

 In this chapter, we describe the second stage of the systemic approach – the synthesis. We believe that synthesis should be individually tailored for each hospitality facility while taking as a starting point of the analysis the systemic model we proposed. Tailoring is required since the list of tools presented by us is only optional. Hospitality organizations do not necessarily have to implement all of the tools. We tested the usability of the model on the data gathered from a medium-sized (60 rooms, 156 beds) Hotel Y in Northern Bohemia. The aim of our analysis was to determine the weak links in their online marketing communication chain and propose optimizing adjustments reflecting the principles of the systemic approach. At first, we assessed the performance of all processes described in our model. For each of Fig. 3. Tools used during the process “addressing the audience”. Fig. 4. Tools used during the “conversion” and feedback collection. 10 T. Semerádová, J.N. Vávrová / Tourism Management Perspectives xxx (2016) xxx–xxx Please cite this article as: Semerádová, T., & Vávrová, J.N., Using a systemic approach to assess Internet marketing communication within hospitality industry, Tourism Management Perspectives (2016), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tmp.2016.09.007 the categories (inputs) outlined in Fig. 2 we made a list of tools implemented by the lodging facility and linked them with available metrics provided us by Hotel Y (Fig. 5). 5.1. Data analysis implementing the systemic model If we look more closely at the output of the first process of the cycle, “addressing the audience,” we may notice that the average daily website traffic of Hotel Y is 239 unique visits. These visits are the result of input efforts and marketing tools, namely the profile on their Facebook social network, booking service portal www.booking.com, emailing, pay for placement and PPC advertising. The number of visitors coming from these sources was retrieved from website analytics or from the regular reports generated by some of the service providers. A majority of potential customers (98) visited the website directly from the search engine result page, thanks to the good placement of the hotel on the top of the result page. PPC advertising (62 visits) and booking.com portal (45 visits) seem equally efficient. The impact of email campaigns is surprisingly higher than we would have initially expected but still remains moderate. However, the number of Facebook generated visits (only 5 per day) is alarming, considering the size of the community developed around the hotel's profile (1380 fans). This low inflow of visitors is probably caused by inconsistent administration of the Facebook profile (shares a new post once in three weeks) which makes the site look not maintained. In terms of the website's conversion rate, the results indicate severe shortcomings. There are only 3 purchases per day made via the order form, thanks to the website lack of persuasiveness. The hotel's main distribution channel is www.booking.com, a platform that requires a commission fee for each purchase made and thus diminishes the facilities' income. The marketing potential of the hotel's website is not exploited to the fullest due to the loss of many potential customers that were attracted by PPC and P4P advertisements. Website analytics confirmed the original assumption of insufficient website quality. The statistics indicate that the average time spent on the website is 30 s, while 48% of the visitors leave after only 10 s. Even if the visitors elect to stay, they browse through individual pages very quickly and without further interest in the content viewed. In addition, Hotel Y uses a two-question pop-up form providing the guest an opportunity to express their satisfaction with the website quality. The average website quality rating was 2.5 points out of 10. Users also frequently complained about a poor organization of information, low-quality photographs, and unattractive visual design. On the other hand, reviews related to the quality of services provided by the hotel were mostly positive. Feedback collection is done through four channels: a feedback form on the website, another feedback form distributed via e-mail, reviews published on Facebook and an external review system on www.booking.com. From the first assessment of the feedback process, it is obvious that feedback collection managed by the provider of www.booking.com is far more effective than that organized by the facility. Despite the growing Facebook community, user generated content published on the hotel's profile is very limited (3 reviews per month). Customers share a mere two reviews per month. This lack of interest on the part of the customers may again be caused by insufficient communication by the facility. As regards those reviews collected via the feedback form on the website and via e-mail, they are not further published on the website. The hotel thus loses the potential persuasive power that such reviews would potentially generate. Moreover, customers are not encouraged to share their opinions, comment or share their experience. The final process of the cycle consists of making adjustments that would lead to optimization of the entire system. In this particular case, we began by improving communication on Facebook. We proposed to increase the posting frequency and include competitions that would motivate experience-sharing by customers. We also recommended Hotel Y implement a Facebook plugin on the website so the hotel might benefit from user generated content. Apart from this change, other significant adjustments in the website design were completed: design was changed from static to responsive, professional photos of rooms and surroundings were uploaded and the overall layout was reorganized into a clearer and simple framework. Final alterations consisted in the publication of customer feedback collected through a feedback form. All these proposals were implemented by Hotel Y for a test period of two months. Following this test period, we evaluated any changes in the observed metrics

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کلمات کلیدی:

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