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عنوان فارسی مقاله:

ادغام ایده آل های مدیریتی در آفشورینگ سوئدی IT

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:

Merging management ideals in Swedish IT offshoring

سال انتشار : 2016

برای دانلود رایگان مقاله ادغام مدیریتی آفشورینگ اینجا کلیک نمایید.

بخشی از مقاله انگلیسی:

2. Theoretical framework 

2.1. Culture-specific management ideals Varje et al. (2013: 248) emphasize the importance of national case studies that focus on organizational-level representations of management ideals because different countries have “unique historical characteristics that need to be taken into consideration”. Management ideals and leadership ideologies are usually perceived as culture-specific and intertwined with more general aspects of national culture (Holmberg & Åkerblom, 2006). Nation/ state and “national cultural traits” are categorising principles that often appear in management theory as well as in organizational practices (Vaara & Tienari, 2011). Previous research has for example described a “global variation in management styles” with some of the most evident differences appearing between North American, European and Pacific Asian styles (Smith et al., 2003: 492). The Nordic nations have also been discerned as constituting a region characterized by unique management styles with Nordic managers relying more on subordinates and less on formal rules than in other regions (Smith et al., 2003). Even a specific “Swedish management style” has been identified and depicted as typically “soft”, referring to the lack of open supervision and control, absence of explicit orders and the importance of trust in that the employees take responsibility for getting the task done (Gustavsson, 1995; Styhre, Börjesson, & Wickenberg, 2006). Holmberg and Åkerblom (2006: 308) conclude in their study: “the notion of a Swedish leadership style is still meaningful and valid as a device for a better understanding of leadership efforts and cross-cultural interaction”. They highlight several elements in preferred leadership style that are perceived as Swedish and as expressions of the Swedish national culture, such as; participative decision-making; collaborative team orientation; conflict aversion; strong focus on interrelations and change orientation; integrity; inspirational; and visionary (Holmberg & Åkerblom, 2006). This is a management ideal that has developed within an organizational culture characterized by equality, consensus-orientation, co-operative working methods, conflict avoidance and teamwork (Styhre et al., 2006) and a national context where “Swedishness” refers to cultural values such as equality and democracy (Kalonaityte, 2010). As a contrast to the Swedish organizational culture, the dominating Indian management ideology has been described as characterized by hierarchical structures, bureaucratic mentality and patriarchal management-employee relationships (Upadhya, 2009). Pelligrini, Scandura, Terri, and Jayaraman (2010) use the concept ‘paternalistic’, referring to managers who “take a personal interest in the workers’ off-the-job lives and attempt to promote workers’ personal welfare while offering career-related support” (Pelligrini et al., 2010: 392). This is a management ideal that entails that managers assume the role of parents, with combined control and benevolence, and an expectation of loyalty and devotion from the employees in the role of grown up children (SalminenKarlsson, 2015). There is thus a power inequality and distance between management and employees (Gertsen & Zølner, 2012). The paternalistic management ideal is described to agree with a collectivist culture, prominent in India, where belonging to a group shapes the individual’s life course by offering both protection and opportunities in exchange to loyalty and conformity (Pelligrini et al., 2010).

برای دانلود رایگان مقاله ادغام مدیریتی آفشورینگ اینجا کلیک نمایید.

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