دانلود رایگان مقاله لاتین اثر سرمایه گذار بر پیوستگی استراتژی نوآوری از سایت الزویر
عنوان فارسی مقاله:
بررسی استراتژی های نوآوری شرکت های جوان: سرمایه سرمایه گذاری شرکت ها و سرمایه های تاثیر گذار بر پیوستگی های استراتژی نوآوری
عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:
Exploring the innovation strategies of young firms: Corporate venture capital and venture capital impact on alliance innovation strategy
سال انتشار : 2016
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بخشی از مقاله انگلیسی:
3. Methodology
3.1. Sample and data collection We test our hypotheses using a dataset that combines archival information related to alliance activity, institutional investments, and financial records of entrepreneurial firms. Using the Security Data Corporation's (SDC) Global New Ventures and Merger & Acquisition database, we identified U.S. firms that filed for initial public offering during 1997–2007. We excluded closed end mutual funds, real estate investment trusts (REITS), unit offerings, spin-offs, demutualization of savings banks and insurance companies, and reverse leveraged buyouts (LBOs). We then identified firms that completed at least one strategic alliance five years prior to filing for public offering. Overall, we identified 130 adolescent firms that filed for IPO between 1997 and 2007, and had at least one alliance. We complemented, verified, and hand-corrected these records by searching alliance announcements, press releases from corporate websites, LexisNexis, SEC filings, and firm prospectuses accessed on the Edgar database (Lavie, 2007). We cross-validated most alliances with at least two sources. Each alliance was categorized into one or more of the following categories: licensing, manufacturing, marketing, R&D, and other (Jiang et al., 2010). Pre-IPO investment and performance information was gathered from company prospectuses using the Edgar database. Missing data reduced the sample to 218 different alliances types, formed by 122 firms. 3.2. Measures 3.2.1. Dependent and independent variables We used content analysis to code firms as exploratory, exploitive, or a combination of both in order to create our dependent variable, the exploratory alliance index. We calculated this as a weighted portfolio of strategic alliances formed within five years prior to the firm's IPO (Lin, Peng, Yang, & Sun, 2009). Given that strategic alliances are often longterm, the relationships formed prior to going public will likely continue in the following years. Upstream alliance activities such as R&D may lead to innovative technologies and applications; we characterized these exploratory purposes. At the other end of this spectrum are alliances that are exploitive in nature, often involving downstream activities such as product commercialization and utilization of existing technologies. Following the procedure established by Yang, Lin, and Peng (2011), each alliance was accorded a description from the SDC database, with alliances that focus on “R&D” (discovery or development of new products, processes, or services) coded as exploratory alliances, while those that focus on “licensing,” “distribution,” or “marketing” are coded as exploitation alliances. A combination of both was weighted equally between alliance types
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کلمات کلیدی:
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