دانلود رایگان مقاله لاتین اثر تابش زیست محیطی در اثر امواج از سایت الزویر

عنوان فارسی مقاله:

اثر تابش زیست محیطی در اثر امواج بلند مادون قرمز هواپیما کروز

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:

Effect of environmental radiation on the long-wave infrared signature of cruise aircraft

سال انتشار : 2016

برای دانلود رایگان مقاله اثر تابش زیست محیطی در اثر امواج اینجا کلیک نمایید.

مقدمه انگلیسی مقاله:

1. Introduction

The infrared (IR) signature of an aircraft is one of the most important factors which affect the detection range of an IR detection system [1]. In general, the IR signature of an aircraft is mainly attributed to the following radiation sources [2]: the emission from the airframe surface and the engine hot parts, the emission from the hot plume, and the reflected environmental radiation by the surface of the aircraft. The environmental radiation, mainly includes the radiation form atmosphere, earth surface and the sun [3]. In the long-wave infrared band (8–12 μm), the dominant environmental radiations are atmospheric radiation and earth surface radiation. The relationship between environment and IR signature of a aircraft in three key ways: (1) the environment in- fluences the surface temperature of the airframe, through radiative and convective heat transfer, and then affects the surface emission of the airframe; (2) the environment influences the amount of incident radiation on the airframe surface, in turn influence the reflected radiation from the skin; (3) the environment influences * Corresponding authors. E-mail addresses: hw_one@163.com (W. Huang), jhhpe@nuaa.edu.cn (H. Ji). the transmission of the emitted and reflected radiation from the target to an observing sensor. The atmospheric IR radiation is mainly attributed to the thermal emission of radiating species in atmosphere (such as CO2, H2O, and O3) as well as the scattered radiation by suspended particles in the atmosphere (e.g. aerosols). The radiation of atmosphere is primarily governed by pressure, temperature, and concentration of species CO2, H2O, and O3. The concentration of CO2 is nearly constant, about 370 ppm. The concentration of H2O decreases rapidly with the increase of altitude, and is absent above 10 km. The concentration of O3 is prominent only at an altitude of 20–30 km. In the troposphere, the temperature and pressure decrease with the increase of altitude. In order to facilitate the calculation of the atmospheric radiance and transmissivity, some typical atmospheric IR radiation models are developed, such as 1976 US Standard model, Mid-latitude Summer (45 degrees North, July) model, Mid-latitude Winter (45 degrees North, January) model, etc. Some simple empirical models, such as Bliss model [4], Kimball model [5], Awanou model [6] and Berger model [7,8], can be used to calculate the atmospheric infrared radiation. However, these models usually are used to calculate the atmospheric radiation near ground, and may not be suitable for the calculation at high altitude. In addition to those models, the LOWTRAN/MODTRAN code [9] are two widely used tools to accurate calculate the environmental radiation and the propagation of infrared radiation through the atmosphere. They are comprehensive empirical-based programs based on band models of molecular absorption, so they have improved accuracy. For the simulation of the emission from the earth surface, the infrared radiation is treated as a function of several parameters, e.g. vegetation, temperature, humidity, type of soil and rock [10]. Most surfaces characterizing the earth are predominantly diffuse and behave as grey bodies with high emissivity ε. Therefore, the earth surface emission could be simulated by using Lambert model [11].

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