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اثر "تابش آفتاب" در بحث سیاست گذاری: مورد کمیته بازار باز فدرال
عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:
The effect of “sunshine” on policy deliberation: The case of the Federal Open Market Committee
سال انتشار : 2016
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بخشی از مقاله انگلیسی:
7. Sunshine: preliminary findings
Over the full study period, the ratio for use of reasoning terms in the FOMC was 0.1627 (sd 0.028)(see Table 1). That is, on average about 16% of transcript sentences include terms or phrases we identify as indicating deliberative reasoning. For the sunshine period, the ratio was 0.186 (sd 0.0187) and the pre-sunshine ratio was 0.143 (sd 0.0199). This difference is statistically significant and suggests that sunshine strongly increased deliberation. However, before accepting that conclusion, consider Fig. 1, graphing our measure of deliberative reasoning over our study period. While there clearly is more deliberation in the sunshine period, it is also clear that a shift toward more use of reasoning terms long predated the discovery and release of the transcripts. In fact,the move almost precisely coincided with Greenspan’s appointment as FOMC Chair in August 1987. Leadership has often been identified as a key factor in FOMC behavior, and the Chair’s role needs to be accounted for in any model of FOMC deliberation. Before presenting a more complex model, we examine other indicators drawn from the transcripts that might show a ‘sunshine effect’ in the FOMC. None rely on content coding on our part. We examine: the use of informal language (contractions); the frequency of speaker changes during meetings (another indicator of formality, and, some think, deliberation); direct references by name to other members; and transcript notations of moments oflaughter. As noted, FOMC insiders have observed that an effect of sunshine was to reduce the “give-and-take” quality of FOMC discussions. Post-sunshine, more members used prepared statements. President Boehne noted in June 1998, I recall participating in routine, vigorous, and freewheeling debates in this room before we decided to release transcripts. Now, most of us read prepared remarks about our Districts and the national economy and even our comments on near-term policy sometimes are crafted in advance. Prepared statements were the rare exception rather than the rule until we started to release transcripts.30 Does transcript evidence capture the change Boehne described? Boehne seems to describe a context of informal, direct give andtake yielding to a rigid,formal one.However, the evidence is mixed. Consider these indicators: Contractions: One simple indicator of informality is the use of contractions (other than possessives).31 Phrases shortened by contractions are common in informal talk, and students are taught to avoid them in professional writing. Based on the insider accounts, the onset of sunshine should have resulted in a decline in the use of contractions. Speaker change: A characteristic of “freewheeling debates,” frequent back-and-forth between speakers is also sometimes taken as a marker of deliberative interchange. This can be calculated as the number of speakers (other than the chair, who mostly participates as a kind of “traf- 30 Also see Patrikis (2015), “a vigorous, unscripted debate. . . became instead choreographed performance, with committee members reading from prepared scripts.” Patrikis left the Fed in 1998. 31 For example: I’m OR I’ll OR I’d OR I’ve OR You’re OR You’ll OR You’d OR You’ve. . . fic cop”) divided by the total number of sentences in the meeting (the inverse of this is the average number of sentences per speaking episode). Based on insider accounts this should have dropped as a consequence of sunshine. Explicit reference to other members: References to other members by name are clear instances of direct interaction characteristic of deliberation. We have searched the transcript for every instance in which a member is referred to by name. The frequency of these references should decline if sunshine reduced the direct exchanges expected in deliberation
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