دانلود رایگان مقاله لاتین ابقا پیروزی نتیجه جستجو و اقامت  از سایت الزویر

عنوان فارسی مقاله:

آیا ابقا لزوما پیروزی است؟ نتیجه جستجو و اقامت

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:

Is retention necessarily a win? Outcomes of searching and staying

سال انتشار : 2017

برای دانلود رایگان مقاله ابقا پیروزی نتیجه جستجو و اقامت  اینجا کلیک نمایید.

بخشی از مقاله انگلیسی:

2. Method

 2.1. Sample & Procedure The sample was recruited from staff employees in a large public university located in the southern United States. Recruitment emails describing the purpose and the voluntary nature of the survey were distributed to 4843 participants along with the survey link. In order to reduce common method bias (Podsakoff, MacKenzie, & Podsakoff, 2012) and assess change in employee attitudes linked to job search activity, we used a time-lag design with a time interval of approximately six weeks between surveys. A total of 1418 surveys were returned at Time 1 (29% response rate). Of those, 689 individuals also returned a Time 2 survey (14% response rate). The Time 1 survey included our independent variables (e.g., job search behaviors, job search objectives, and Time 1 measures of job satisfaction and commitment). The Time 2 survey consisted of our dependent variables (Time 2 job satisfaction, commitment, and neglect). We also collected data from company records (e.g., performance, demographic control variables). Although confidential, respondents' identification numbers were recorded so that individual responses for Time 1 and Time 2 as well as the archival company data could be matched. After listwise deletion, the final sample consisted of 622 respondents.1 The respondents had an average age of 45.42 years and an average job tenure of 6.60 years; 60% were female, 76% were married or cohabiting with a significant other. The majority of respondents were Caucasian (88%). Results of independent sample t-test suggested that our study sample is free from nonresponse bias, with no significant difference between employees that completed the first survey versus respondents that answered both surveys in regards to measures on the first survey (e.g., job search behaviors) or on any demographic information (e.g., tenure).

برای دانلود رایگان مقاله ابقا پیروزی نتیجه جستجو و اقامت  اینجا کلیک نمایید.

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