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تجزیه و تحلیل مقایسه ای از روش های MCDM برای ارزیابی هزینه های مسکن پایدار

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:

Comparative analysis of MCDM methods for the assessment of sustainable housing affordability


برای دانلود رایگان مقاله آنالیز mcdm ارزیابی هزینه مسکن اینجا کلیک نمایید.

بخشی از مقاله انگلیسی:

2. Housing affordability 

Housingaffordability has received considerable attention across the globe for a number of years [13-20]. However, the concept and measurement of housing affordability remains a challenging and contested issue. Affordability measures generally focus on the financial burden of housing costs, such as the house price to income ratio approach [20] , the residual measure (income remaining after housing costs) [21] and, since the impact of the latest recession, purchase and repayment affordability measures [7]. The most commonly referred to and internationally recognised method of measuring affordability is the ratio method, which determines the proportion of income spent on housing costs [10]. This is not surprising since it has the advantage of being easy to compute as it only relies on a few, usually easily accessible, variables. Nevertheless, this simplicity is precisely what limits its effectiveness since it does not incorporate a number of factors that affect housing affordability and the household situation. This traditional approach is one-dimensional and researchers [5,11-13,22-24] are increasingly documenting its limitations. In particular, the ratio measure fails to account for differences in housing costs that are the result of perceived higher neighbourhood quality [23]. Belskyet al. [22] suggest that an ideal affordability appraisal would account for the trade-offs that households make to lower housing costs, such as transportation, access to public services, health and safety. Stone et al. [25] also emphasise a growing concern that standard affordability measures do not recognise the trade-offs between cheap or affordable housing; just because a household has an ‘affordable dwelling’ does not necessarily mean it has ‘affordable living’, owing to trade-offs. Likewise, Rowley and Ong [13] recognise that, in reality, housing affordability encompasses quality and location trade-offs. Additional costs may be imposed on households as a result of such trade-offs, both monetary and socioeconomic costs, which are disguised by traditional measures of affordability. Housing affordability is a complex and multi-dimensional issue. Accordingly, to gain a better insight into the problem, it should not be analysed using just one concept, measure or definition [26,27]. It is clearly difficult, perhaps impossible, to address all concerns related to affordability within one simple measure. Issues such as housing adequacy, e.g. physical quality, location and access to services and appropriateness may need to be addressed by additional complementary indicators [12]. McCord et al. [27] elucidate that a one measure fits all approach to assessing affordability is problematic and policy makers must consider more than one measure when reforming policy instruments. Despite these findings, research often continue to focus on economic criteria alone as the basis of housing affordability assessments [7-10], with little regard for what households get in return for what they spend on housing in terms of housing location and neighbourhood characteristics. There is a specified need for the criteria by which housing is judged as affordable to be refined [11].

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کلمات کلیدی:

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