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An innovative model for delivering business education in India

سال انتشار : 2016

برای دانلود رایگان مقاله آموزش تجارت اینجا کلیک نمایید.

بخشی از مقاله انگلیسی:

2. Program location and structure

 India was a logical region for UFV to explore for educational opportunities. UFV, as its name indicates, is located in the Fraser Valley, east of Vancouver; approximately 23% of the population of the Valley’s largest city is South Asian (City of Abbotsford, 2014). The majority of these South Asians are affiliated through family or business connections with the Punjab region in northwestern India. One of the major cities in the Punjab is the city of Chandigarh, a modern and planned city designed in 1947 by the Swiss-French architect Le Corbusier. With a population of 1.1 million, Chandigarh serves as the capital for the two states of Punjab and Haryana, which have a combined population of 52 million (Bindhyeshwari, 2011). The strong connections between Chandigarh and Canada are demonstrated by the fact that a Canadian consular office - one of only four Canadian consulates in all of India e is located in Chandigarh. UFV’s School of Business has offered a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree since 1995. This degree program was seen by UFV’s senior administration as the ideal program through which to create educational connections with India, because of the popularity of business degrees in India’s education market. Even though there are more than 3000 postsecondary business schools in India, there are still more potential students than there are programs to accommodate them (Bhutiani, Nair, & Hicks, 2014). North American degrees also have a strong reputation in the Indian educational and labour markets (Times of India, 2011). However, despite its international dimension, UFV’s Chandigarh BBA program was primarily an initiative of the UFV School of Business. UFV has an International Education department, but unlike other initiatives administered by that department, the Indian BBA initiative had two purposes. It was intended as a student recruitment initiative, but it was also intended to give UFV a direct presence in India by creating a platform through which other UFV programs could be offered. Additionally, the BBA program that was to be offered in India was an established UFV program, and was (and is) the same program that is offered at UFV in Canada. Thus, it was felt that the School of Business should have responsibility for the Chandigarh program, to ensure consistency and quality control in program delivery across all locations where the BBA is offered. International and transnational post-secondary programs have many different types of structures, each with their own benefits and drawbacks. For most Canadian universities, degree-level program offerings outside Canada usually take the form of joint degrees (two institutions offering a single degree), dual degrees (two institutions jointly offering a program that results in a degree from each participating institution), or branch campuses (a physical location offering the institution’s own programs) (AUCC, 2014). While more than 130 foreign universities have some form of academic relationship with an Indian 302 D. Sandhu, F.A.E. McQuarrie / The International Journal of Management Education 14 (2016) 301e309 university (Chakrabarti, Bartning, & Sengupta, 2010), there is no consistent or dominant format among these relationships, with the choice of structure largely dependent on the desired outcomes of each participating institution. Thus, in designing the Indian BBA program, the UFV School of Business had a variety of structures and precedents to consider, as well as its own capabilities and resources. The School eventually narrowed its possibilities for the program down to three different structural options; the benefits and drawbacks of each are outlined in Table 1. The analysis in Table 1 indicates that the option of directly offering the UFV BBA program in India, using an existing local facility, was easily the most costly and labour-intensive choice. This option also did not use the program structures that most Canadian universities use for international programming. However, UFV’s administration chose this option because it provided the opportunity for UFV to deliver a product that would distinguish UFV from other Canadian post-secondary institutions, especially those considering ventures in India. This option would also increase UFV’s profile and presence in the Indian educational market.

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