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عنوان فارسی مقاله:

جاده کمتر سفرشده و فراتر از آن: کار کردن با بیشترین صدمه روانی و پیشگیری از فرسودگی

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:

The road less traveled and beyond: Working with severe trauma and preventing burnout

سال انتشار : 2015

برای دانلود رایگان مقاله پیشگیری از فرسودگی اینجا کلیک نمایید.

بخشی از مقاله انگلیسی :

Change many hats during your working career. Working with severe trauma for many years can lead to feeling stagnant in your clinical work. Thus, it helps if different duties and responsibilities are allocated to colleagues working in this context. Changing roles and tasks will make clinicians feel positively challenged and renewed. For example, it was personally invigorating when after many years of working with survivors of torture, I was asked to supervise students and new clinicians who recently began work with trauma survivors. The opportunity to pass on my knowledge and experience to young clinicians was rejuvenating and empowering. Other opportunities can involve becoming involved in new program development, to raise funds for existing programs, and to network with other professionals and organizations. A work environment must be created that encourages flexibility and creativity, and that promotes continuing education and qualification, e.g., in the form of sabbaticals for research projects and publication (Pross, 2006). For example, many colleagues at centers for traumatized refugees have reduced their hours in recent years and set up offices in which they also treat less ill clients. Extend and renew your knowledge and skills. Professionals working within this field need to be constantly provided the opportunity to extend and renew their knowledge base and clinical skills. Thus, it is important that staff members are encouraged to come in contact with current research and approaches in the area of trauma. Because trauma work has become one of the most important areas of intervention in community work, there is always a host of new knowledge and approaches to share with other professionals. Engaging in learning will make professionals feel helpful and increase their engagement with this type of work.

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کلمات کلیدی:

Therapist Burnout: Facts, Causes and Prevention - Zur Institute www.zurinstitute.com/burnout_clinicalupdate.html Clinical Update on Therapist Burnout: Facts, Causes and Prevention, offered by ... cumulative effect upon the trauma therapist of working with trauma survivors. ... which may be more severe than their own, can lead therapists to lose track of ... [PDF]Teaching to prevent burnout - CiteSeerX citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= by DD Zellmer - ‎Cited by 22 - ‎Related articles The term originally used colloquially to refer to the negative effects of chronic drug abuse, was applied by ... Teaching to Prevent Burnout in the Helping. Professions ... numbing of reminders of the trauma or traumatized client (Figley, 2002). Working with Trauma Survivors: What Workers Need to Know - PTSD ... https://www.ptsd.va.gov/professional/provider.../working-with-trauma-survivors.asp Information regarding traumatic stress, for the people who are working with trauma survivors. ... (2) to avoid reminders of the trauma, and (3) to dissociate in the immediate ... The term "burnout" has been applied across helping professions and refers ... Compassion fatigue, also coined by Figley, is considered a more severe ... Organisational reasons of job burnout : Ekonomia i Zarzadzanie https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/emj.2016.8.issue-2/emj.../emj-2016-0011.xml by J Moczydłowska - ‎2016 - ‎Related articles Sep 24, 2016 - Organisational reasons of job burnout ... I. (2015), The road less traveled and beyond: Working with severe trauma and preventing burnout. People also ask What is burnout in social work? What is counseling burnout? What is a burn out rate? What is a self care plan? Feedback Searches related to Working with severe trauma and preventing burnout burnout in social work social work burnout statistics social work burnout quiz self care in social work social work burnout symptoms burnout rate for social workers statistics social work stress and burnout burnout and self care in social work