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عنوان فارسی مقاله:

مسئولیت اجتماعی شرکت، اولویت منابع رسانه ای، اعتماد و مشارکت عمومی: دیدگاه آگاه عمومی

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:

Corporate social responsibility, media source preference, trust, and public engagement: The informed public’s perspective

سال انتشار : 2016

برای دانلود رایگان مقاله مسئولیت اجتماعی شرکت اینجا کلیک نمایید.

بخشی از مقاله انگلیسی:

2. Literature review 

2.1. CSR Definitions of CSR have long been debated, evolving from an ecological focus (e.g. Shrivastava, 1995) to a focus on sustainability (Sharma & Henriques, 2005). The most-cited CSR definition is Carroll’s (1979): “the social responsibility of business encompasses the economic, legal, ethical, and discretionary expectations that society has of organizations at a given point in time” (p. 500). Freeman’s (1984) stakeholder theory significantly shaped the concept of CSR in relation to “being socially responsible.” Later, Elkington (2004) interpreted CSR as a corporation’s obligation to maximize its beneficial impact on society by seeking a balanced three-bottom line: economic sustainability, environmental sustainability, and social sustainability. Bansal (2005) further argued that the three dimensions are interrelated because social and environmental initiatives can only be sustained when there is long-term economic growth. Dyllick and Hockerts (2002) regarded economic sustainability as a corporation’s sufficient liquidity at any time “while producing a persistent above average return to its stakeholders” (p. 133). To achieve this, the corporation must manage various capital assets, including financial capital (i.e., equity, debt), tangible capital (i.e., land, stocks, machinery), and intangible capital (i.e., innovation, know-how, organizational governance). The European Commission (2003) posited that this dimension requires corporations to anticipate issues such as product quality and safety and supply chain management arising from their interactions with suppliers, customers, and other stakeholders in the market place. The expectations on corporations fulfilling their responsibilities in this regard have been that corporations go beyond the mindset of short-term profit-seeking and aim for long-term economic performance, such as development of good quality and safe products and improvement of production efficiency (Bansal, 2005; Torugsa, O’Donohue, & Hecker, 2013). The environmental sustainability dimension of CSR includes eco-friendliness, pollution prevention, and environmental leadership (Torugsa et al., 2013). For corporations to minimize environmental impact while maximizing profits, they should adopt the regulations of international environmental management and monitor any environmental damage and negative societal impact in the product manufacturing processes (Buysse & Verbeke, 2003). Sharma and Vredenburg (1998) suggested that corporations improve their capabilities in the various value chains in the operation processes so as to enhance environmental awareness among management and employees inside corporations. The workplace and the community are the main foci of social sustainability (Torugsa et al., 2013). Proactively, a corporation can fulfill its social sustainability by maintaining “the health, safety and general well-being of employees,” motivating the workforce “by offering training and development opportunities,” and acting “as good citizens in the local community” (European Commission, 2003, p. 5). Furthermore, organizations should engage in formal dialogues with different stakeholders and involve them in the decision-making process on social and ethical issues relevant to stakeholders (Bansal, 2005).

برای دانلود رایگان مقاله مسئولیت اجتماعی شرکت اینجا کلیک نمایید.

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